Petraeus Praises Families of Fallen
(April 17, 2010) | 

Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, commander of U.S.
Central Command, delivers the keynote address at the annual Tragedy
Assistance Program for Survivors Gala in Washington, D.C., April 13,
2010. DoD photo by Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley |
WASHINGTON, April 14, 2010 – A military adage says
the reason servicemembers take up arms in combat is on behalf of
fellow troops to their right and their left.
Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, commander of U.S. Central Command,
delivers the keynote address at the annual Tragedy Assistance
Program for Survivors Gala in Washington, D.C., April 13, 2010. TAPS
has assisted more than 25,000 grieving military families with a
national network of peer-based support and crisis intervention. DoD
photo by Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley
But before an audience comprised of surviving families of fallen
troops last night, Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, commander of U.S.
Central Command, suggested an additional factor motivating troops.
“The reason our troopers don body armor and a Kevlar helmet and go
outside the wire day after day is because of their fierce
determination not to let down their comrades on their left and
right,” he said, “and because of their fierce determination not to
let down those who, like you and your loved ones, have given so much
in the course of serving our country.”
Petraeus delivered the keynote address at an annual gala sponsored |
by the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, which provides
support to surviving spouses and families of fallen troops. Founded
in 1994, TAPS has raised $1 million from private donors so far in
2010, which will help to fund grief counseling and other seminars
that have benefited more than 25,000 families to date, officials
said. |
“There is arguably no organization more deserving of our thanks than TAPS, which
does so much, of course, to help the families of our fallen comrades,” Petraeus
said. “From counseling resources to peer networks, from grief camps for kids to
survivor seminars for adults, TAPS provides an impressive array of vital support
for our families. So ... thanks for all that TAPS Nation does for our military
families when they most need assistance.”
Speaking to the audience gathered at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium here, the
general said servicemembers derive courage from those who paid the ultimate
sacrifice on behalf of their country, and those survivors who maintain the
memory of those who passed.
“Our troopers find strength and inspiration in the memory of those with whom
they have served, in the heroism of our fallen,” he said, “and in you, the
military families who have borne terrible losses with such courage and grace.”
Petraeus, the former top U.S. commander in Iraq whose area of operation now
includes Afghanistan as well, said he is deeply touched by notes and letters he
receives from surviving families in response to letters of condolence he has
Less than three weeks after Army Pfc. Peter Kyle Cross died after his vehicle
rolled over in Afghanistan last summer, Petraeus received a letter from Cross'
mother, which the general read last night.
“Though I suffer indescribable grief over his death,” Cross' mother wrote, “I am
consoled by the fact that Peter loved the Army and loved serving our country. As
with so many of his comrades (actually, ALL of them), he was willing to make the
ultimate sacrifice, pushing fear aside.”
Petraeus said the letter embodied the mother's courage and grace – a reminder of
the fallen soldier and the strength of his survivors that the general keeps
near. |

Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, speaks
at the annual Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors Gala in
Washington, D.C., April 13, 2010. DoD photo by Navy Petty Officer
1st Class Chad J. McNeeley |
“Her response to her loss -- and its strong
reminder of the commitment and selflessness of her son and all our
troopers -- was, needless to say, very powerful,” he said. “I've
kept her note underneath the glass top on my desk at the Central
Command headquarters ever since, along with other notes from
families of our fallen.
“These letters -- like names etched on battle gear and photos stored
in uniform pockets -- are ever-present reminders,” he said, “and
ever-present sources of inspiration.”Navy Adm. Mike Mullen,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made a promise to the
surviving families in the audience last night on behalf of himself
and his wife.
“From Deborah and myself, we promise those who are surviving family
members: we will never forget your loss, your sacrifice,” he said,
“and we will never forget you. You are the face of these wars and it
is important for us to be reminded of the most difficult part of
what we take on as a challenge.”
“You inspire us and you should know that we are dedicated
passionately to your well being to meeting your needs,” he said, |
“and to making sure that those sacrifices are both understood and
recognized and that you are cared for the rest of your lives.” |
By John J. Kruzel
American Forces Press Service Copyright 2010
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