Actor Forgoes Promising Career To Serve His Country
(December 16, 2010) |
FORT WAINWRIGHT, Alaska (12/13/10)
Sept. 11, 2001, was a day many people will never forget.
Students gathered around televisions and mothers held their
children tight as they watched the horror of terrorist
attacks unfold on the TV screen. Many people were in
disbelief of what they were watching and asked themselves
For Capt. Scott Eberlein, 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry
Regiment, 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry
Division, Fort Wainwright, Alaska, the question wasn't
"Why?" It was "How can I help?"
It was a question many people asked themselves. Some felt
the need to display their patriotism by flying flags, while
others chose a more active approach--including Eberlein. The
then-33-year-old actor had dedicated most of his time and
education to succeed in theater, TV and the big screen, but
now wrestled with the decision to leave it all behind and
join the military. |

Capt. Scott Eberlein, Mortar Platoon Leader for 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Division, of the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division and the Commander of 2nd Company, 2nd Battalion, 19th Brigade, 5th Iraqi Army Division do a quick map check and back brief prior to conducting a joint clearing operation of the Udaim River Valley in the Northern part of Diyala province, Iraq, in November 2009. Courtesy photo |
Eberlein graduated from the University of California Santa
Barbara with a bachelor of fine arts in 1990 and in 1993
earned a master of fine arts from the University of
California Los Angeles.
"I set out on a course to make it," he said. Prior to 9/11,
Eberlein's dedication to theater, TV and the big screen led
to a promising career in Hollywood.
As an actor he starred in movies and TV shows including
"L.A. Confidential," "The X-Files" and "Nash Bridges."
Eberlein could even brag that he performed next to big
screen actors John Goodman and Robert Hays.
"I was mildly successful, however, 9/11 made my chosen
profession seem ridiculous," said Eberlein. "I knew that my
peers would attempt to solve the world's problems at a local
Starbucks and I couldn't stomach that."
The Los Angeles native wasn't a complete stranger to the
Army. Before he had ever considered joining the military,
Eberlein played a sergeant on TV's "The Army Show."
"It's kind of ironic, but funny, because I still get
residuals every month," he laughed. "I even got a check for
15 cents."
Determined to make the change from onscreen sergeant to
unscripted defender of freedom, Eberlein walked into a Santa
Monica, Calif., recruiting station on Sept. 12, 2001, at the
young age of 33. With the love and support of his fianc� he
signed a four-year contract.
"I was very surprised because he had a pretty good career as
an actor," said Renner Eberlein, Scott Eberlein's wife. "I
encouraged him to join because it seemed like his heart was
in it. I try to focus on the importance of the Army's
mission, my husband's honorable service, my love of this
country and my faith in God."
One year after enlisting, the former actor found himself
performing in a different type of theater, one that no
college degree could prepare him for.
"If someone had told me on Sept. 10, I would be in the Army
I would have laughed in their face," said Eberlein.
"I wanted to catch those that jeopardized the security which
I had taken for granted all of my life. Without taking
action the same liberties I experienced might not be
available to those who came after me."
He deployed with Fort Bragg's 82nd Airborne Division, in
support of Operation Enduring Freedom where he spent eight
months scouting the enemy.
"We were actively pursuing the enemy," remembers Eberlein.
"Six to nine guys would just scout a hill for days. It was
After returning from a deployment to Afghanistan, Eberlein
had done everything he set out to do. He served his country,
actively fought for freedom and survived the Army's "All
American," 82nd Airborne Division, despite being older than
most of his peers. So what was left to accomplish?
"I thought I would do four years and go back to doing what I
was doing, but I found my calling," he said. Having found
his calling, Eberlein decided that a return to the red
carpet and the hopes of someday having a star on the walk of
fame was not in the cards and instead took a commission as
an officer in June 2005.
"U.S. Army 1st Sgt. Shirey, who I respected very much said
to me 'Sergeant, the Army needs good leaders and I think you
can be one of them'," said Eberlein.
Just being an officer wasn't enough for Eberlein, he wanted
to join an elite group that wears the Ranger tab. There was
only one thing standing in Eberlein's way. Eberlein, 38, was
almost a decade older than the typical Ranger graduate. With
the odds stacked against him, he found motivation in the
creed he would soon live by.
Whenever things got tough, or the thought of quitting
entered Eberlein's mind, he would remember the words of the
Ranger creed.
"Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself
mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight and I
will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may
be, one-hundred-percent and then some."
"I wasn't going to quit," said Eberlein. "I was not going to
leave without that tab."
The self-motivated lieutenant graduated May 5, 2006, from
Ranger School.
Almost nine years and a pair of deployments later, Eberlein
has continued to find motivation from the events of 9/11,
the support of his family, and the words of the Ranger
"I have been given huge amounts of responsibility in taking
care of soldiers," he said. "My career in the Army has been
my greatest accomplishment and I look forward to my next
Like many of the men and women serving within the ranks of
the military, Eberlein continues to find motivation from the
un-forgetful events of 9/11 and says that his career in the
Army has provided him with a career he can be proud of.
"I thank God for keeping this old man healthy enough to be
taken seriously each challenging step of the way," said
Eberlein. "I swell with pride to think about the opportunity
of service that I have been allowed, not just to my country
and fellow soldiers, but to local nationals as well."
By Army Spc. Thomas Duval
1st Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division Public Affairs
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