PAKTYA PROVINCE, Afghanistan - The snow continues to fall heavily
on Forward Operating Base Gardez, Afghanistan, as soldiers in the
mechanics duty area work continuously to prepare vehicles and
equipment for ongoing missions.

January 31, 2013 - U.S. Army Spc. Annson J. Sanders, a
native of Dickson,Tenn., and mechanic assigned to Company E, 1st
Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team "Rakkasans"'
101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), does his part for his country
while deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Sanders
comes from a large military family and felt it was his turn to step
up and serve. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Brian Smith-Dutton, TF 3/101
Public Affairs)
One soldier prepares his vehicle recovery truck for upcoming
Spc. Annson J. Sanders, a 24-year-old Dickson,
Tenn., native goes through the process of inspecting his truck with
great detail.
"I drive the recovery truck," he said. "I have
to be ready to go out there and recover damaged vehicles at any
given moment."
Sanders grew up in a military family. His
father, grandfather and numerous uncles had served in the military
throughout the years.
"Growing up with so much family in the
service, I felt the need to serve and do my part for our country as
well," said Sanders.
Sanders enlisted more than three years
ago and already had an idea of what he wanted to do in the army.
"I knew I wanted to be a mechanic before I stepped foot in the
recruiting station," he said. "I wanted to be the one repairing the
vehicles and equipment because then I would really know they were
good to go."
Sanders leans against his truck deep in thought about his past.
"I used to be a factory worker," he said. "Then one day I just
stood up and walked to the recruiting station down the street."
He enlisted that month and left home to begin his
military career as a mechanic.
"I care for the safety
of the people going out on convoys," said Sanders. "That's
why I wanted to be the guy taking care of their vehicles and
Sanders talks of how he re-enlisted in November and
explains his love for the army life he had happily
volunteered for.
"For one thing, I met my wife while
I've been in the Army," he said. "To be honest, I plan on
making this a career."
"I mean, Fort Campbell is only
my second duty station and this is only my first
deployment," he continues. "But I really truly enjoy the
Army so far."
When discovering he would be deploying
with the 101st Airborne Division, Sanders grew excited at
the thought.
"Once I found out I was going to the
101st I was extremely excited," said Sanders. "I wanted to
deploy with the 101st because my father deployed with them
when he was in."
With the goal of one day becoming an
officer, Sanders plans to show his leadership he has the
right qualities for the green to gold program.
Sanders hopes to be able to give future Soldiers the best
leadership he can offer.
"There are many different
styles of leadership," he said. "I want to use my experience
while enlisted, take the good leadership, as well as not
what to do, in terms of leadership."
"But for now,"
said Sanders. "I'm going to concentrate on being ready and
able to help those soldiers that go out on missions whenever
they may need it."
By Army Spc. Brian Smith-Dutton
through DVIDS Copyright 2013
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