CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan – The earth seemed still and quiet
as coalition forces came together during a memorial ceremony to
honor the service members who not only gave their blood, sweat and
tears, but also those who gave their lives, paying the ultimate
sacrifice, for freedom.
Gaylord Nelson, an army soldier who
served in World War II during the Okinawa Campaign said, “The
ultimate test of a man's conscience may be his willingness to
sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of
thanks will not be heard.”
Those words rang true as coalition
members reflected on the lives lost over the past decade fighting in
support of Operation Enduring Freedom during the ceremony held
aboard Camp Leatherneck, Helmand province, Afghanistan, May 26,

Service members with Regional Command
(Southwest) stand at attention during a Memorial Day ceremony aboard
Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan, May 26, 2014. During the ceremony,
RC(SW) Commander Brig. Gen. Daniel D. Yoo spoke about the importance
of the day and service members observed a moment of silence to
remember those who gave their lives in service to their country.
(U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Jessica Ostroska)
This ceremony marks the last Memorial Day ceremony to be
held in Afghanistan for U.S. Marines serving in Regional
Command (Southwest).
“Today is a day of remembrance
for anyone who has been in the military,” said Sgt. Maj.
Douglas Berry, Jr., RC(SW) sergeant major. “We honor our
fallen and remember those who have gone before us. It is
something we have all learned since boot camp as recruits.
From Tripoli, Belleau Wood, Iwo Jima and Guadalcanal, to
Tarawa, Inchon, Hue City and Beirut, we really glorify, as
we should, and take pride in our history and past
performances. It is more than Dan Daly and Smedley Butler,
it is everybody from private to general who is no longer
with us, whether they were killed in action in a major
battle serving in a campaign, or they are no longer with us
because they served and are a veteran who has passed. It is
a day to reflect. It is a day to remember. It is a day to
In 1868, a few years after the civil war
ended, Americans began observing a decoration day, adorning
the graves in honor of those who had fallen. By the end of
the 19th century, memorial ceremonies were being held all
over the United States. After World War I, the holiday was
changed to honor all the service members who died during an
American war. In 1971, Congress declared Memorial Day a
national holiday that would occur annually on the last
Monday in May.
“This is important to do, and the fact
that we are here, we are all we have,” said Sgt. Maj. Berry.
“We are surrounded by service members and by Marines. It is
the right thing for us to do. It is not a question of
whether or not we have to have a ceremony, we should have
one to remember and honor those who have served here and
have passed here. Whether it was American or coalition, we
are one team, one fight. It takes everyone here to do what
we do.”
Since OEF began, 2,184 American service
members have been killed in action, and 19,600 have been
wounded in action. Of those American lives lost, 373 were
Marines killed in action, and 4,927 were Marines wounded in
“As we talk about why we serve, I think we
understand why we serve,” said Brig. Gen. Daniel D. Yoo,
commander, RC(SW). “We understand the meaning of shared
hardships and shared risks, but most importantly of shared
accountability. I don't think any of us really, really
understand or appreciate what the families of those who have
fallen go through on an annual basis. Not just the
anniversary of the death of their loved one, but on these
occasions like Memorial Day. For me, as I walk through the
command post and I look at all the faces of all those that
have given their lives here in RC(SW), it is a sobering
reminder of the cost of our profession, but it is also very
heartening for me because I know that even though they are
no longer with us here in this life, they will always be
with us in our hearts and our memory. Most importantly, I
know when I look up that they have seized the high ground
and they continue to provide overwatch for all of us here.”
During the ceremony, the American flag was raised then
lowered to half-staff in honor of all the heroes. Coalition
members stood still and bowed their heads in a moment of
silence to pay their respects to their fallen comrades.
The significance of every Memorial Day ceremony is to
honor and remember the fallen, those who are written in the
history books and have paved the way for American freedom.
Those that served are brothers, sisters, husbands and wives.
They are fathers, mothers, uncles, and aunts. They are
family, and they are friends. Each one was a life that was
sacrificed, and each one is a life that will never be
By U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Jessica Ostroska
through DVIDS Copyright 2014
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