CBRN Decontamination - Expect The Unexpected
by U.S. Army Wendy Brown, Fort Bliss Garrison Public Affairs
December 16, 2018
by U.S. Army Wendy Brown, Fort Bliss Garrison Public Affairs
December 16, 2018
Not only is the U.S. Army 44th Chemical Company, 22nd Chemical Battalion, ready in case of a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear incident, the company’s Soldiers are available to help other units develop that readiness, as well.
“We are more than happy to go out and teach familiarization with thorough decon and help units meet their mission essential tasks with operational decon and other chemical tasks,” said 1st Lt. Brendan Hales, platoon leader for 3rd Platoon, 44th Chem. Co. during a CBRN decontamination training at Fort Bliss Friday. Third platoon is the company’s hazardous response platoon.
The training focused on vehicle and troop operational decontamination, but also went over elements of thorough decontamination so Soldiers would be able to help a unit such as the 44th Chem. Co. when necessary. Soldiers also learned the difference between operational and thorough decontamination.
“The purpose of thorough decon is to get you completely clean so you can go back to the motor pool, go back to the (forward operating base), go back wherever you need to go,” Hales told the Soldiers. “The purpose of operational decon is to quickly get all the decontaminants off and you can turn around and go back into the fight.”
Soldiers learned how to decontaminate vehicles with water, as well as the various decontamination stations they would go through with their Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology, often called JSLIST, in the event of a CBRN incident. They also learned how to stop the spread of contamination.

“The only thing you want touching the ground is your rubber boots at all times,” Hales told the Soldiers. “So don’t place your hand on the ground to try to do things. If you drop something, don’t even pick it up. It’s not worth it.”
Hales said the goal of the training was to teach the Soldiers enough information so they wouldn’t need a unit like the 44th Chem. Co. should they encounter a CBRN incident.
“For all units, with the threats now a days, we never know what to expect,” Hales said. “CBRN is the job you never want to do, but you’re always trained and ready to do it … If we’re not there, (we want to teach them) how they can set themselves up with operational decon and get themselves back into the fight.”
Staff Sgt. Jason Wilson, a squad leader for 3rd Plt., 44th Chem. Co., 22nd Chem. Bn., said he encourages all units to maintain their readiness when it comes to CBRN incidents.
“What we’re trying to do is make sure that we’re ready at all times,” Wilson said.

Soldiers who took the training, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 43rd Air Defense Artillery Regiment, 11th ADA Bde., said they found the information useful.
Cpl. Ferman Cepeda called the training “solid” and said he especially appreciated going over all the decontamination steps with the JSLIST.
“It will be useful,” Cepeda said.
Sgt. Raymond Cabacungan said he was glad to learn the difference between thorough and operational decontamination, and being able to use the vehicle decontamination equipment was also helpful.
“It was a good course, especially for the new guys who are out here so they can do the actual decon,” Cabacungan said. “It’s very useful information for them to learn.”