Keys To Air Force Strong Leadership
by Charles Pope, Secretary of the Air
Force Public Affairs July 24, 2019
Judging by the conversations and hardware on display, cutting
edge technology ... virtual reality, 5th generation equipment,
hypersonic weapons, cyber capabilities ... was the dominant theme at
the Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando.
But in his keynote
address March 1, 2019 ... Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein
focused on something else and something decidedly old school –
leadership, a quality that he suggested is even more important to
the Air Force’s future and its continued excellence than shiny
“We must recognize that the culture of the United
States Air Force has to be big tent culture,” Goldfein said during a
40-minute appearance alongside Chief Master Sergeant of the Air
Force Kaleth O. Wright before more than 1,000 Airmen of all ranks on
the final day of the Air Force Association gathering.
 March 1, 2019 - Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Golfein and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Kaleth O. Wright speak during the Air Force Association's Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida. During their remarks Goldfein and Wright highlighted the importance of inspirational and courageous leadership. (U.S. Air Force photo by Wayne Clark)
In often-personal terms, both leaders paid tribute to leaders
that shaped their careers and help each correct his course. Goldfein
noted that “bold and inspiring” leadership and embracing diversity
has never been more important or necessary given the demands placed
on today’s Air Force.
“It is not about being politically
correct,” Goldfein said. “It’s a warfighting imperative.”
Wright, the major influence came early in his career from Master
Sgt. Joe Wimbush, whose guidance provided clarity of purpose and
thought as well as direction.
“He was very tough but he was
fair and he treated me like his son,” Wright said. “… There was
always a teaching moment, an opportunity that he allowed me to grow.
Everything that I am today as a professional, as a man and
everything that I’m not is because of Joe Wimbush.”
touched on a similar theme but also stressed that good leaders
recognize diversity and the attributes it brings to the Air Force.
“Think about what we do; we do leaflets to nukes and everything
in between,” Goldfein said by way of making a larger point about the
value of diversity within the Air Force and why leaders must adapt
to the difference. “We operate from 65 feet below the surface to the
outer reaches of space and everywhere in between.
“That kid
has to see himself in the United States Air Force and our culture
has to be inclusive of that. … They have to see themselves in us. So
to me, celebration of diversity and making sure we see the flesh
colored Band-Aid is not about being politically correct. It’s a
warfighting imperative.”
As he has before, Goldfein
illustrated the point with a story about a conversation about a
flesh-colored Band-Aid with an African-American senior enlisted
leader. The chief handed him the Band-Aid and said there was a
problem. Goldfein was confused, failing to make the connection until
the Airman put the Band-Aid on and highlighted the fact that there
was only one choice and one color.
The point, Goldfein said,
was that good leaders understand “what they do not see” or know and
are open to those who bring those “blind spots” into view.
“The first thing we do as leaders is acknowledge we all have
blinders on,” he said. “And there are certain things we are not
going to be able to see in our organization. Once we acknowledge
that we have to acknowledge there are flesh-colored Band Aids in
every squadron.
“The only way we can see them is to surround
ourselves and build our teams in ways that others can point them out
to us,” he said.
Often the insight comes from enlisted
“I’m a firm believer that no officer in the United
States Air Force becomes successful at the very senior ranks without
being raised by a great NCO,” Goldfein said.
Both Goldfein
and Wright emphasized the real-world importance of leadership that
is strong yet adaptable and open to change when warranted. They also
acknowledged the benefits of missteps and stumbles. Goldfein
mentioned “my six years at the Academy” to illustrate how he had
trouble adapting, left the Academy but returned after biking across
the U.S. to reset his perspectives.
When asked what he thinks
when hearing stories of Airmen who make mistakes, Wright says his
answer is always the same: “Good on you! That’s how you learn. We
must allow for that.”
Goldfein agreed, and like Wright, he
said strong leaders have instinctive ability to allow room for
individual quirks while at the same time combining the “parts” into
a cohesive, effective whole.
“The command team’s role in
achieving the mission is the most important role you play as a
leader,” Goldfein said. “You must organize, train, and equip Airmen
to be ready to fight. It’s your moral obligation to get it right to
field a ready fighting formation. As leaders you’re also responsible
for doing everything we can to accomplish the mission; it may not
always be glamourous but it’s required nonetheless.”
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