Wounded Warrior Bryan Wagner
April 2011 - "I really don't remember much about the explosion," says
Specialist Bryan Wagner. "I was on fire, and the blast destroyed our
extinguisher. So the guys doused me with fruit punch." Bryan, who loves
to find comedy in tragedy, added with a laugh: "I'm going to have to
send a thank you letter to Juicy Juice."

But the injury was no
laughing matter. Bryan endured 27 surgeries. The most significant
procedure occurred at Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) on New
Year's Eve 2007. Bryan opted to have his right leg amputated below the
knee. Bryan rehabbed at WRAMC for two years. "It got me to where I am
today. I stayed there until I knew I could do anything."
"Anything" includes finishing the Bataan Memorial Death March, a 26-mile
challenge through the high desert terrain of White Sands Missile Range, New
Mexico, in honor of service members who defended the Philippine Islands during
World War II.
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