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Fifteen Years Ago - September 11, 2001
by David G. Bancroft, Founder of USA Patriotism!  -  September 11, 2016

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World Trade Center towers in flames after terrorists flew a hijacked airliners into them on September 11, 2001Let's take a look back at the most difficult day for our great nation ... 15 years ago ... since Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941 ... resulting in America officially entering World War II ... with the overwhelming majority of Americans ... including the leaders "from both political parities" in Washington DC ... committed to do ... whatever was necessary ... to win the war!

Now, referred to as ... Patriot Day ... I am sure everyPentagon after terrorists flew a hijacked airliner into it on September 11, 2001 American old enough to grasp the overwhelming significance of the three horrific, deadly terrorist attacks on ... September 11, 2001 ... will never forget the scenes so vividly shown on television repeatedly ... and none more so ... than seeing the hijacked airliners ... deliberately flown into the Trade Center twin towers ... with many Americans seeing it in real time!

New York firefighters raising flag at Ground Zero shorly after the World Trade Towers collapsed from the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.And regardless of the political change of mind years later by some ... about why decisions were made that led to military action based on intelligence at the time ... and not years later ... it was the same collective American mindset ... that prevailed after the attacks on Pearl Harbor. Even President George W. Bush reflected about a On the eve of the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta lays a wreath at the Flight 93 Memorial Plaza Wall of Names in Shanksville, Pa., Sept. 10, 2012. DOD photo by U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Chad J. McNeeleydifferent decision would have been made ... based on the intelligence that was gained after the invasion of Iraq ... meaning that heart wrenching difficult Presidential decision made a year or more earlier ... would not have been the same approach ... Also, is there intent to imply ... no military action would have occurred ... just possibly one without an invasion ... and responding incrementally if needed. And remember Turkey's refusal to allow the Army to invade from the north.

A proud parent's son / Marine, Mike Bancroft, shaking hands with Oliver North in Iraq during 2003.Nor would my youngest son ... find himself among other proud, brave Marines and their fellow troops ... who were part of the invasion force ... and him experiencing a near death bullet missing his head so close that the bullet's concussion as it passed caused temporary hearing problems. A story that my wife and I would never have heard about that still grips our hearts for what could have been ... that so many parents and other loved ones will endure their entire lives.

Still, it never diminished what I and a majority of other Americans at the time felt ... like my parents and their fellow greatest generation Americans did ... when hearing about the attack on Pear Harbor.

And just imagine the same media coverage and bias during World War II ... as was the case with the military action in response to the September 11, 2001 terrorists attacks ... Neither decision was for political gain, regardless of political statements made by others when an election neared ... it was all about attacking the American homeland.

Yes, "honest" unintended mistakes were made ... as history sadly reflects more than once ... from the day Independence was won in 1776. Nor should pointing fingers of this nature ever be used when the one doing the pointing agreed with the decision when made!

Another important note... I founded USA Patriotism! in response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 ... and while ... it has become a full-time, life long endeavor of pride ... and so much more ... I would prefer that it never came to be ... due to the tragic, deadly acts on what our nation honors as Patriot Day.

September 9, 2016 - A bunker display rests on a stage during a 9/11 remembrance ceremony held at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona. The ceremony was held to honor and remember all the lives lost during the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Cheyenne A. Powers)

David Bancroft, USA Patriotism! founderThe 15th anniversary of September 11, 2001 should only be about ... national reflection, remembrance, prayer, and ...  unyielding support of the military and law enforcement efforts to prevent another or even worse attack than what Patriot Day is all about ... and that goes for all elected officials too!

Your fellow patriot,

David G. Bancroft
Founder of USA Patriotism!
Author of the following books...
American Pride, Cemetery Woods, Mere Chance, and Waking Dreams
Copyright 2016

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