Family's Military Lineage ... American Revolution To Present
by U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer 2nd Class Brandon Hillard
April 30, 2023
Have you ever thought about starting a
new family tradition?
How about forging a link to the past
that spans generations and incorporates military service and
patriotism into the fold, or even one that traverses the birth
of a republic?
Meet Coast Guard Capt. Patrick A. Culver,
a commissioned officer whose personal career began more than 41
years ago.
 The incoming 16th Gold Ancient Mariner, Capt. Patrick Culver, delivers remarks at the ceremony in which he assumed ancient mariner title from retiring Capt. Stephen Matadobra, Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, D.C., July 17, 2020. The Gold Ancient Mariner title honors the Coast Guard officer who has the most sea time, with a minimum of 10 years, in a successful and distinguished career afloat. (Image
created by USA Patriotism! from Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Lisa Ferdinando.)
Culver enlisted in the Coast Guard even
before the quartermaster rating, his eventual specialty, which
was later split into the boatswain’s mate and operations
specialist ratings. He worked his way up from enlisted crew
member to chief warrant officer to commissioned officer, all by
utilizing his intelligence, strong work ethic and devotion to
Culver is currently assigned to Joint
Interagency Task Force – South, where he serves as the Coast
Guard liaison on behalf of the Coast Guard Atlantic Area Command
and acts as the link between the afloat and aviation units
“Title 10, U.S. Code 124 authorizes JIATF - South
to do detection and monitoring for aerial or maritime drugs,
contraband, bound for the U.S.,” said Culver. “Joint Interagency
Task Force - South is a sub-element of U.S. Southern Command,
which is an Army command.”
Two and a half years ago,
Culver was selected as the 16th Gold Ancient Mariner of the
Coast Guard.
According to a May 2020 Coast Guard
announcement, “The Ancient Mariner title recognizes the officer
and enlisted person with the earliest designation as a permanent
cutterman and requires a minimum of ten years of sea time. The
award recipients must personify and uphold the core values of
honor, respect and devotion to duty, along with the
professionalism and leadership associated with long service at
Culver currently holds 13 and 3/4 years of sea
time, and is the longest-serving, active-duty member in the
United States Coast Guard. His family’s ties to the military and
nation, however, chart back further still.
The Culver
family can trace their lineage to a markedly high number of
service members through the centuries to a time before the
United States of America existed. It had not yet become a
recognized and independent country when Culver’s great, great,
great, great grandfather, James Taggart, Sr., of Antrim,
Ireland, and his family made the journey shared by many who were
looking for a better life.
In the middle of the 18th century,
Taggart, Sr., his wife and young son, also named James, crossed
the Atlantic Ocean and took up residence in what is now
Pennsylvania. He and his wife would have three more sons born in
America, and years later, all four, including a grown-up
Taggart, Jr., would fight for the fledgling nation’s
independence in the American Revolution.
“The reason they
left Ireland was because they were Catholic. In Ireland, in
1748, a significant event occurred…the famine,” said Culver.
“And, they were in Northern Ireland, which is Protestant…being
Catholic, you couldn’t work, eat, you couldn’t practice your
religion and you couldn’t speak your language. And like many
Irish, they emigrated instead of dying,” he said.
Culver and his father, Charles Culver,
were inducted into the National Society of the Sons of the
American Revolution on Sept. 8, 2022. The SAR’s purpose is
defined on its website as ‘a non-profit, non-partisan
organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving
American history and teaching American history to future
 Coast Guard Capt. Patrick A. Culver and his father Charles Culver display their certificates after joining the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution in Richmond, Virginia, Sept. 8, 2022. The ceremony brought a multi-decade long family goal to competition. (Image
created by USA Patriotism! from photo courtesy of Coast Guard Capt. Patrick A. Culver.)
According to Culver, the proceeding all
started about thirty years ago. His father Charles, who spent
time as a U.S. Navy reservist before a medical discharge, set
the process in motion after his cousin Kathy Taggart Ferguson
presented research that she had completed on their shared family
Culver said Ferguson made a startling
connection. Culver, his father, and their cousin Ferguson are
all directly related through blood lineage to a family member
who fought in the American Revolution: James Taggart, Jr., born
in 1748 in Antrim, Ireland. Culver said after that discovery,
his father wanted to join the Sons of the American Revolution.
Culver recalled seeing the paperwork go unfinished. With his
90-year-old father reaching his golden years and his mother
recently passing, Culver decided to take on the passion project
himself out of his deep love for his father.
“I saw it
sitting in a heap on my dad’s table, on one of his worktables,
for thirty years,” he said. “And finally, I thought, I’m going
to do this.”
He picked up the research where Ferguson’s
ended. Culver holds a master’s degree in government. And his
bachelor’s degree is in criminology with a minor in history. A
historian at heart, Culver is also a proud member of the Phi
Alpha Theta (ΦΑΘ) National Honor Society. Their website states
that it is “an American honor society for undergraduate and
graduate students and professors of history.” And, luckily,
Culver was up to taking on the research project, noting his love
of history.
Culver reached out to the SAR registrar and
began working with an archivist in Louisville, Kentucky, to
authenticate his research and begin linking his father and
himself to their forefather from Ireland.
“I had done all
the work, pretty much, he just verified it,” said Culver.
After Culver and Ferguson’s genealogy research was
corroborated with official public records and certified, a
long-held dream was realized when they were selected as father
and son for membership during a ceremony held in their hometown
of Richmond, Virginia. Culver’s father was asked how it felt to
have finally earned official SAR certificates together with his
“There’s a sense of accomplishment and pride as my
eyesight has failed and my son took the lead on getting this
done for me,” said Charles. “It lets me leave a legacy, a
heritage of service for my family.”
The direct link to
James Taggart, Jr. alone was enough to qualify for their
membership. According to the website, membership in the SAR
hinges upon whether the patriot in question can prove their
ancestor fulfills criteria in one of 14 types of service.
and his father successfully confirmed their ancestor
participated in the following category: “Served in the military
or navy, including service during the dates falling on or
between 19 April 1775 and 26 November 1783, service at the
Battle of Point Pleasant on 10 October 1774 (this location and
date only), or furnishing a substitute for military service.”
Impressively, not only did the Culver family descend from a
patriot of the American Revolution, but U.S. military service is
sprinkled so frequently throughout their genealogy that one
could consider it a family habit – the good kind that you do not
want to kick. Culver is also related to personnel who fought in
the U.S. Civil War. His great uncle Robert Culver was an
interpreter in World War I.
“He spoke, read and wrote
Latin, French, Italian, German and English and he served with
the Maguire Field Hospital in France as part of the
Expeditionary Forces in the U.S. Army,” said Culver. “My great
uncle Lt. Maurice Sweeny served in the Marines in World War I as
an aviator and balloonist, and later in World War II as a Coast
Guard officer aboard a munitions ship during the invasion of
Culver’s uncle James Garnett served in the
Navy during the Vietnam War but did not see action. Culver
himself served in Haiti in 1994 and 1995 and earned the Armed
Forces Expeditionary Medal.
“He served for 30-plus years
and retired as a colonel over in the Philippines,” said Culver.
His wife, Grace Viola Culver did not want to stay in the
Philippines, moved back to the States and had an affair, which
became somewhat of an international scandal, he said. She ended
up losing custody of their children, Culver’s grandfather and
The name change was found to be linked to
Culver’s great-grandfather Elmore Findley Taggart. He joined the
U.S. Army and graduated from the Military Academy at West Point,
Class of 1883, before serving during the Philippine-American
“I would like to say goodbye to them one last
time,” she said. She took them out, put them in her car, and
absconded to Europe and changed the name to Culver instead of
Culver said an interesting piece of trivia
about Taggart during his retirement years in the Philippines is
he was instrumental in helping start the Philippine Military
Academy in Baguio, which was modeled after West Point. He once
was the vice-mayor of the town in retirement.
Culver-Taggart family name has contributed to the defense of
America since its inception up through its continued
safeguarding today. Reaching the milestone of SAR membership
isn’t simply a way of looking backward for the Culvers.
“I’m glad it’s done and happy to leave this path so that our
future generations may follow,” said Charles Culver.
that path is underfoot again by a fresh set of boots by Culver’s
nephew, Charles’ grandson, Lucas Culver, who is a 2012 graduate
of the U.S. Naval Academy and is currently studying as a marine
major at the Air War College in Alabama.
If you think
you would like to kick off a new tradition and start your family
of service, Culver highly recommends it. In fact, he points out
that the Coast Guard offers many benefits not afforded to the
same degree as fellow military branches.
opportunities that we give you, eleven statutory missions: if
you raise your hand and you can do the job, the reward for hard
work is more hard work,” said Culver. “But we are going to throw
that opportunity at you. Other services, unless you are a
special operator or you are an aviator, they rarely throw as
much responsibility at a young person as the Coast Guard does.”
Culver said those opportunities for early-career growth
and meaningful responsibility are what make the Coast Guard
unique. After realizing a family goal of such magnitude and
history, Culver relates it to humility and pride in serving
“The idea of service is very real to my family,”
said Culver. “I’m from a direct line of patriots who have served
this country, and I’m very proud of that.”
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