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Presidio Border Patrol Station Inspiring Mural
by U.S. Customs and Border Protection Greg L. Davis, PAO
August 25, 2020

Border Patrol Agent Janenne Ellis knows a thing or two about heat. That’s because she works on the border at Presidio Border Patrol Station, an area which is generally 10 degrees warmer than Big Bend Sector Headquarters in nearby Marfa, Texas.

She also knows that sometimes the best way to get through the day is to “brush it off.”

That’s exactly what she, and a small group of volunteers, did recently at Presidio Station when they painted an inspiring morale boosting mural on a new building.

May 6, 2021 - A mural added to a new building inside the Border Patrol Station in Presidio, Texas, which features silhouettes of various scenes typical across the Big Bend Sector. The mural was applied by a team of employee volunteers who donated their time and talents to the morale boosting beautification project for all involved with the ongoing influx of illegal immigrants and other border patrol efforts. (U.S. Customs and Border Protection photo by Greg L. Davis)
May 6, 2021 - A mural added to a new building inside the Border Patrol Station in Presidio, Texas, which features silhouettes of various scenes typical across the Big Bend Sector. The mural was applied by a team of employee volunteers who donated their time and talents to the morale boosting beautification project for all involved with the ongoing influx of illegal immigrants and other border patrol efforts. (U.S. Customs and Border Protection photo by Greg L. Davis)

Presidio is a small town on the Southwest border of Texas and Mexico located in the famous Big Bend region. In the summertime it’s sweltering with temperatures breaking 100+ degrees for weeks at a time. It’s also a hot spot because the Presidio Port of Entry is located here and the activity associated with illegal immigration, drugs and contraband being pushed through the area by smuggling organizations.

While the port is operated by Office of Field Operations, there is also a significant presence of Border Patrol agents based out of the Presidio Border Patrol Station.

In the region, buildings usually have a light tan or brown exterior to keep the heat down. That’s true for most of the buildings within the Presidio Border Patrol Station too. So, when a new building was brought in, the station ended up with the broad side of a tan building sitting directly inside of and facing those entering the main gate.

This perfect “blank canvas” became a morale-boosting mural project led by Watch Commander Janenne Ellis. “That is what you see when you come in the gate here,” said Ellis. “The side of a blank wall. When they were putting it up, I was thinking that would be so cool if we had a mural here.”

Ellis is an Army veteran and is currently the only female agent at Presidio Station. Her husband, Steven, is a retired Army vet who now plays the role of key spouse. Both were instrumental in turning an idea into art and improving the aesthetic appearance of the entire compound, she said.

The large mural incorporates symbols and silhouettes across the length of the building to represent various landmarks in the region and aspects of the job. Featured jobs include horse patrol, ATVs and even unmanned aerial systems. The mural was done in long-lasting paints and painstakingly applied by hand using brushes to increase the detail and accuracy.

While the Ellis’ led the mural effort, they were joined by others from Border Patrol, Office of Field Operations and medical personnel contracted to support the evaluation and treatment of illegal immigrants processed at Presidio Station.

May 25, 2021 - Border Patrol Watch Commander Janenne Ellis and her husband, Steven stand in front of a mural at the Presidio Border Patrol Station in Presidio, Texas. They painted the mural with the help of a few others and invested a significant amount of personal time and money in supplies to provide a source of inspiration and build morale for those working at the station involved with the ongoing influx of illegal immigrants and other border patrol efforts. (U.S. Customs and Border Protection photo by Greg L. Davis)
May 25, 2021 - Border Patrol Watch Commander Janenne Ellis and her husband, Steven stand in front of a mural at the Presidio Border Patrol Station in Presidio, Texas. They painted the mural with the help of a few others and invested a significant amount of personal time and money in supplies to provide a source of inspiration and build morale for those working at the station involved with the ongoing influx of illegal immigrants and other border patrol efforts. (U.S. Customs and Border Protection photo by Greg L. Davis)

Design and application assistance was provided by Anna Purrington, an Office of Field Operations trainee; Belinda Garza, from Loyal Source Medical; Luis Ontiveros, Border Patrol; and Beatriz Martinez, an Office of Field Operations trainee.

Something like this doesn’t happen without leadership approval. However, that was not hard to get after the proposal was made to Silverio Escontrias, Presidio’s patrol agent in charge.

“The mural is a direct reflection of Presidio Stations Esprit de Corps and our agents’ dedication to border security,” he said.

Ellis recalled that it took just over a month to complete because they worked on it during off-duty hours using their own supplies. “It was a lot more [time] than we thought it was going to be to start,” she said.

Those entering Presidio Border Patrol Station now have a visual representation of the pride, history and roles agents take in protecting America’s front line. Sean L. McGoffin, Big Bend Sector’s chief patrol agent, said he was so impressed with the results and improved morale that this may be the start of a sector-wide effort allowing various stations to do similar projects.

“I am grateful for the pride and initiative shown by Watch Commander Ellis and everyone that assisted with this project,” said McGoffin “This initiative is a direct reflection of the professionalism and attention to detail that all our Big Bend Sector employees put into their duties on a daily basis. Going above and beyond the call of duty by utilizing their own resources and time truly embodies the U.S. Border Patrol’s motto of Honor First.”

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

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