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Patriotic Article
By Gary King

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Why I Love America
(December 13, 2007)

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I love America because we have the freedom and right to choose what we want to do, what we want to be and what we can do to help make this world a better place to live in.

I know there are many people who keep telling us what is wrong with America and how bad things are. But, you know what, I wonder sometimes if they are living in the same country I am.

I get up in the morning and I see a bright new day, one filled with hope and a chance to have a new beginning and to do the things I want to do and to enjoy life. I see some beautiful birds in the fantastic trees in the yard; I see a glorious sun coming over the horizon to greet the new day, and I hear the sounds of life everywhere.

I sometimes wonder where the news reporters are living in order to bring us the kinds of news we see that seems to reach out and touch the dark side of everything they report. You read about an accident where two or three people died and the gory details of how it happened, etc. But what about the guy who stopped and risk his life to save the other person who did not die? Oh, yes, it was mentioned there . . . in the last paragraph or two of the story. The news reporters need to start thanking God for what they have and to start shifting their priorities so they can not only find and see the good in this nation, but learn how to experience it so they can write about it.

I cannot imagine what it would be like to have to get up each and every day and start looking for the bad, the ugly, and the tragic things in this society so I could be the first one to report something that sells. I wonder how many reporters take the time to really take a look at how their reporting and news writing is affecting their own children? Do they care? Do they know where they are leading their children by their example? But, that is another story.

I love America because there is beauty everywhere. We see it in the smiling faces of some children who are having fun on the new playground of a school that has struggled to make ends meet, but found a way to build the new playground for their children.

I love America because of a beautiful sunset, and the beauty created by God. We all do not know how long we have on this earth, and today may be our last day, so enjoy what you have, while you have it. And take time to thank God for what you have.

Do you realize what it is REALLY like to SEE the birds, the trees, the beautiful sunset, the rising of the sun, and the other things we all take for granted many times? The blind person has to learn to feel and know what that is like because THEY CANNOT SEE it! Thank God for what YOU have!

Do you realize what it is REALLY like to HEAR the birds, the movement of limbs in the trees, and the sounds around you that you HEAR each and every day? The deaf person has to learn to feel and know what that is like because THEY CANNOT HEAR like we do. Thank God for what YOU have!

Do you realize what it is REALLY like to have your parents and those you love around you each and every day? Many of us who have lost one or both of our parents would give a lot to have what many of you have. But life moves on and we have to learn to accept what must be and what will be. But take the time to thank God for what you have!

Why do I love America? I love it because I have been given the opportunity to step out each day and see how I can help others and to help make this a better world to live in. If you really want to live a more joyous life and to experience the REAL JOY OF LIVING, start looking for those in this world who need help. They may have one day been where you are at and things happened which turned their world upside down and they are just trying to survive.

God put us all on the face of this world for a purpose and we must ask ourselves what that purpose is. We may not always be able to come up with the answers as to what that purpose is . . . but MAYBE, just MAYBE, trying to find others to help and then seeing what we CAN DO to help may be one purpose for our lives.

We need to take the time to pause, to thank God for what we have, and to ask God to help US to learn how to find and help other people in this world, so that all of us may live a better life with more fullness.

I love America because God has granted me yet another day to LEARN HOW TO LIVE and how to live more fully . . . and at the same time, learn how to help others to do the same thing. It is not easy but thank God, we live in a country where, if we believe, all things are possible.

The next time you hear or see someone telling everyone around them how bad we have it and how much is wrong with America, take the time to remember:
  • You have a bed to sleep in
  • You get up and you have a beautiful day ahead of you
  • You have food on your table
  • You have eyes to see
  • You have ears to hear
  • You have family members and other you love nearby
  • And you have the opportunity to step out and help others to have the same opportunity you have.

Think of the homeless person, the blind person, the deaf person, a person with Cerebral Palsy, someone with some other disease, and so on . . . and then ask yourself one big question:

Why do YOU not love your own life and America?

By Gary King
Copyright 2007

About Author:
Gary King is 50% service-connected . . . a Korean and Vietnam veteran.

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