High School
Seniors Discuss Nuclear Topics With Pentagon Leaders by Devon Bistarkey Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
October 15, 2022
Each fall, a group of students from
Fairport High School, Fairport, New York have the unique opportunity
to visit with government leaders in the national capital area to
discuss topics and issues they have researched as part of a social
studies elective course, ‘Senior Leadership Seminar’.
One of
this year’s cohorts toured the Pentagon and sat down with senior
defense leaders, including Drew Walter, the Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Matters. Top on the list for
student-led discussion was international nuclear programs, nuclear
incident response, and nuclear weapons in general.
 Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Matters Drew Walter meets high school seniors from Fairport High School, Fairport, NY to discuss nuclear weapons and national security relations during a visit to the Pentagon on Sept. 29, 2022. (Image
created by USA Patriotism! from photos by Devon Bistarkey, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense.)
The group was prepared with questions on
current events, including the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of
Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-Proliferation Treaty, or
NPT. The group discussed the multilateral treaty, and the potential
for further spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and
weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information.
providing an exclusive forum for dialog between the young leaders
and Defense officials, the main focus of the engagement was to
provide mentorship. In support of the Department’s focus on
attracting a diverse talent base to the defense civilian sector,
Walter shared experiences from his professional background and
education – and encouraged the seminar participates to explore the
opportunities available to them in the national security community.
Walter began his career at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), a
Department of Energy research and development laboratory, after
earning his Bachelors and Masters of Science degrees in Mechanical
Engineering, both from the Rochester Institute of Technology.
Attributing the technical experience he gained at SNL, Walter stated
his early experiences laid the groundwork for his career that
eventually led to his current position as DASD(NM).
inquired about Walter’s previous position serving as a professional
staff member with the Committee on Armed Services in the U.S. House
of Representatives, where he was responsible for executing committee
activities and oversight regarding all policies, programs, budgets
related to nuclear deterrence, nuclear nonproliferation, naval
nuclear propulsion, and nuclear environmental cleanup. From the
discussion, students were able to better understand positions and
opportunities available across DOD and the wider U.S. national
security community.
Since the group looks forward to their
own graduation at the end of the year, Walter also fielded specific
questions from the group on his academic path and provided
perspective on pathways that lead to various national security
roles. Walter concluded with encouragement for the students to get
involved in solving the nation’s national security
challenges—whether they do so from a technical, policy, or military
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