Silver Star Families of America
has one mission: To remember, honor and assist the
wounded, ill and dying of our Armed Forces from all
To remember them, we sponsor Silver Star Service
Banner Day every May 1st. A day (just one day) set
aside to remember those who have given so much for
us and this nation.
In 2009, 49 states, 2,474 cities and counties,
Guam, Saipan, the Chickasaw Nation and the U.S.
Virgin Islands issued proclamations in support of
Silver Star Service Banner Day. 1,912 cities and
counties have made the day permanent. The State of
Missouri has made it a law.
the United States Senate has proposed making May 1st
Silver Star Service Banner Day nation wide. We urge
all of you to contact your Senators and ask them to
co sponsor and support
S. Res 320, which has been
referred to the Senate Armed Services Committee.
The United States House of Representatives has
also joined in by introducing
H.Res. 855. You can
help further by contacting your Congressmen and
urging them to support this legislation which is now
in the House Committee on Government reform.
My friends, this is not a partisan request.
Regardless of political affiliation and being
liberal or conservative . . . we should all agree
that our wounded, ill, and dying deserve being
We are pleased that David Bancroft and USA
Patriotism have joined with us in supporting this
legislation. We would expect nothing else from such
a patriotic man and organization.
Please join with us . . . stand up in the full
power of your sovereign capacity and make your
voices heard. This will cost you nothing but will
mean so much to those who have given so much.
Please don't forget them. They never forgot you. |