SAN DIEGO (12/7/2012) - Born four minutes apart from each other,
Shaun and Gabe Vanderwall, Platoon 1035, Company B, 1st Recruit
Training Battalion, grew up nearly inseparable.

December 1, 2012 - Pvt. Shaun and Pvt. Gabe Vanderwall, Platoon
1035, Company B, 1st Recruit Training Battalion, are identical twins
that went through recruit training together aboard Marine Corps
Recruit Depot San Diego. The twins held "friendly competitions" with
each other during training events to keep each other motivated.
Photo by USMC Lance Cpl. Bridget Keane
The 21-year-old identical twins of Ludington, Mich., were
always together and enrolled in the same activities since
they were children.
“I guess it made it easier for
our mother so she didn't have to be in two places at once,”
said Shaun. “That's where our competitiveness came from.”
The twins would hold “friendly competitions” with
each other during sporting events, trying to beat each
other's times and scores. As they moved on to high school,
they both joined track and swim and continued in their
competitive nature.
Although the boys' friendly
rivalry was taken light-heartedly, they still pushed each
other to excel in any activity.
“We're brothers, we
wouldn't want to see each other fail at anything,” explained
After graduating from Ludington High School in
2009 and receiving scholarships for their performance in
track and swim, both soon realized how expensive college
would be even with scholarships.
“Since we were good
at swimming, we decided it would be a good idea to join the
Coast Guard,” explained Shaun. “We wanted to do something in
search and rescue.”
The two went to speak with a
recruiter and were soon discouraged by the news they
“We were told that we'd have to wait two
years before we could join,” said Shaun. “We decided we were
going to wait.”
As time went on, the Vanderwall twins
grew tired of their work at a local retirement home as
servers and cooks. Gabe didn't want to wait any longer and
went back to the recruiting center to look at a different
branch of service.
He spoke with a Marine Corps
recruiter and was pleased to hear that he and his brother
would be able to leave sooner. He returned home with the
good news to Shaun and the two enlisted in April.
“We both wanted to get on with our lives, and the Marine
Corps gave us so many options with jobs and benefits,” said
The twins shipped off to recruit training
aboard Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego Sept. 10 and
were placed in the same platoon.
Like most recruits,
the twins had a hard time adjusting to the first few weeks
of recruit training, but the one thing they had was each
They motivated each other when times became
tough and even kept up with their competitive games during
training events such as the combat fitness test.
both received a 300 on our CFT's and our times were close,”
explained Gabe. “We both did 100 ammunition can lifts, our
880 was two minutes 29 seconds, but I beat Shaun by seven
seconds on the maneuver under fire, I got a minute 50
seconds and he got 57 seconds.”
Knowing that they
could always rely on each other, they continued to push
through training and were noticed individually in the
“Shaun was more of a natural leader when he
arrived and Gabe was more reserved and quiet,” said Sgt.
Brandon Rogers, drill instructor, Plt. 1035, Co. B, 1st RTBn.
“Gabe is actually the most improved recruit in our platoon.”
Rogers, a 25-year-old Fairfield, Calif., native,
explained that Gabe struggled in the beginning but soon
started to volunteer more and take charge, but both
developed into good leaders, morally and physically.
“They motivated the platoon through their actions, when
there was a task that needed to be done, they'd always get
it taken care of,” said Rogers.
Vanderwall twins now hold the title Marine but their Marine
Corps journey isn't over yet. They are scheduled to continue
Marine Combat Training at the School of Infantry aboard
Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Calif., Jan 8.
Once they finish training there, they will go separate ways
for the first time in their lives. The two explained that
it's going to be a big change in their lives, but they're
ready to experience it.
“I think it will be a good experience for them,”
said Rogers. “I'm confident that they'll be fine on their
By USMC Lance Cpl. Bridget Keane
through DVIDS Copyright 2012
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