Belize - For a forward-deployed unit, one of the most
critical keys to mission success is the establishment and
maintenance of clear communication with leadership.
At Joint Task Force-Bravo, the responsibility of
establishing that vital communication while in the field
falls on the shoulders communication experts like Staff Sgt.
William Lane, U.S. Air Force radio frequency specialist.
"We provide the reach-back for the command and control
cell for the forward-deployed team and their leadership to
be able to communicate with the main joint operations center
(JOC)," said Lane. "We set up a tactical operations center
with every capability required in order to get the
intelligence, oversight and communication needed to run the
mission. We set up phone, Internet, and any required radio
support. We're basically a one-stop shop for all of it."

U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. William Lane
sets up a SWE-DISH communication system during a disaster response
exercise in Belize, Sept. 26, 2013. Lane serves on Joint Task
Force-Bravo's Central America Survey and Assessment Team and set up
the team's tactical communication capabilities for the exercise.
(U.S. Air Force photo by Capt. Zach Anderson)
That one-stop shop capability was tested during a recent
disaster response exercise, during which Joint Task
Force-Bravo's Central America Survey and Assessment Team
(C-SAT) deployed to Belize.
Lane was tasked with
setting up communication with the Joint Task Force-Bravo JOC
within three hours of arrival in country. He met the
deadline with time to spare.
"It was very satisfying
to be able to do that," said Lane. "Even better was the fact
that we maintained our up-time during the exercise. The fact
that all of my systems stayed green the entire time we were
in Belize and that we had all lines of communication up the
entire time was extremely satisfying. That's the ultimate
goal for a comm person: 100 percent up-time."
Army Lt. Col. Alan McKewan, JTF-Bravo Army Forces Battalion
commander and the team lead for the C-SAT, said the
communication piece was critical to the team's ability to
perform in the event of a real-world disaster.
C-SAT is the U.S. Southern Command commander's eyes forward
in support of disaster relief," said McKewan. "Having the
ability to quickly establish communications and pass
critical information ensures that commanders can make the
call to provide the right assets to prevent loss of life and
reduce human suffering."
The tactical communications
capabilities give forward deployed units several
alternatives to ensure communication is achieved.
"During the exercise, we were able to join the network at
JTF-Bravo so everyone could access their files just like if
they were in their office back at Soto Cano. We also
provided communication via satellite phone, which could be
used to call JTF-Bravo or SOUTHCOM, as well as SATCOM radios
which would be used to communicate from air to ground and
coordinate a medevac or other operation if needed," said
The exercise in Belize was built around the
scenario of a powerful hurricane making landfall. In that
situation, the communication capabilities provided by Joint
Task Force-Bravo's C-SAT are crucial.
"A large
hurricane would knock out all cellphone towers and other
communication nodes," said McKewan. "The JTF-Bravo CSAT
team's communication package includes the Broadband Global
Area Network (BGAN) and the SWE-DISH, which allows the team
to push information within minutes of arriving at the
disaster scene. This ability can make the difference between
life or death in a humanitarian assistance situation."
It's that life or death difference that service members
like Lane make each time they establish communication from a
tactical location. But Lane says it's all in a day's work.
"It's just about doing the job, ensuring the connection
is there and being able to get the word back to everyone and
reach back to home station," he said.
By USAF Capt. Zach Anderson
through DVIDS Copyright 2013
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