Brave Rifles Trooper Chases American Dream by U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Taresha Hill
October 21, 2019
Soldiers enlist into the Army for many different reasons... to
uphold a family tradition, to find adventure, or maybe for the
education benefits.
For Sgt. Michael K. Biwott, a supply
sergeant with 2nd Squadron, 3rd Cavalry Regiment, enlisting into the
Army was about so much more, including his dream of running track or
cross country in the U.S. Olympics.

U.S. Army Sgt. Michael K. Biwott,
a supply sergeant with 2nd Squadron, 3rd Cavalry Regiment,
runs at Long Branch Park in Killeen, Texas, October 25,
2108. Biwott runs at least 60 miles a week while pursuing
his American dream of running track or cross country in the
U.S. Olympics. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Taresha Hill)
Before raising his right hand and enlisting into the Army more
than two years ago, Biwott’s journey first began in his native
homeland, Kenya, with his family of five sisters and one brother.
Coming from a large family living in an isolated and poor
community, Biwott said he was lucky to have a father who understood
the importance of an education and who encouraged his children to go
to school.
“Education in Kenya is not free,” explained
Biwott. “Parents have to pay tuition for their kids to attend
elementary and high school.”
For those lucky enough to afford
and make it all the way through high school, getting into a college
is just as hard. Much like American students who must take the
Scholastic Assessment Test to get into college, those in Kenya must
take the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examination.
The students who don’t make a high enough score, are unable to
go to college, explained Biwott.
Despite his own financial
struggle to pay for school, Biwott managed to graduate from high
school. But he was left feeling disappointed after taking the exam.
“I missed it by three points,” Biwott explained about his score
not being high enough for college.
This was not the end for
Biwott. Armed with his high school education, he became a teacher
for elementary students. Biwott explained that most high school
graduates often become the teachers for the elementary and high
“I loved teaching,” he said. “I taught math for
seventh and eighth grades and most of the students who I taught
would make high marks on their exams.”
While Biwott loved
teaching, he was still determined to go to college.
When the opportunity came to try out for a new athletic
scholarship program, which would allow him to attend college in
America while training and competing as a marathon runner, he took
“I showed up to the competition with no training. It was
the first time I had ever ran like that and I came in second place,”
he said about racing against 50 other competitors for the
“After that, running became a part of me,” he
said. “I love it and it’s what got me here to America.”
was Biwott’s love for running that helped him to get his college
diploma. After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting,
Biwott said that he wanted to pay it forward by joining the Army as
a supply specialist.
“I wanted to give back to the country
which has given me so much,” said Biwott.
Biwott said that
serving in the Army has not diminished his love for running at all.
In fact, it has grown and evolved into a dream. A dream of running
track or cross country in the U.S. Olympics.
With this new
dream, Biwott said he trains harder. Running at least 60 miles a
week- that’s in addition to his daily physical training he does with
his unit every morning.
He also competes in marathons any
chance he gets and has placed tenth in the Army Ten-Miler and Marine
Corps Marathon.
Sgt. Shannera Anderson, a supply sergeant
with 2nd Sqdn. and Biwott’s supervisor, said Biwott’s drive is an
inspiration and that she believes he can do anything he puts his
mind to.
“Biwott is like a light at the end of a tunnel,”
said Anderson. “It shows you that no matter where you come from or
how you start, you can overcome anything with work and the right
Anderson said Biwott works like he trains, and he
is, “the epitome of what a Soldier should be.”
Despite still
being 30 seconds short from qualifying for the Army’s World Class
Athlete Program, Biwott said that he will keep training.
“Everywhere I go, people are always impressed with my running and
encourage me to do more,” he said.
Biwott recently competed
against 26 other runners in Fort Hood’s Army Ten-Miler in the hopes
of making it on the team again and he was the only runner to come in
under an hour.
His advice to others who think their own
dreams may be impossible is to, “Keep trying and never give up.”
“I will keep trying, no matter what- this is my passion,” Biwott
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