Team Leader Academy Helps Strengthen Small Unit Leadership by U.S. Army Capt. Scott Kuhn
November 27, 2019
The training focused on team leaders and those identified as
potential team leaders. The participants broke up into their own
squads, comprised of two teams of four Soldiers. Squad leaders and
team leaders would rotate throughout the week-long course.
First participants received classes on topics ranging from
establishing a patrol base to reacting to an ambush. The next day
they conducted day and night land navigation, followed by complex
situational exercises on Wednesday into Thursday night. The course
ended with a competition on Friday where the team leaders executed
the lanes with the members of their actual team.
 August 21, 2019 - Sgt. Adrian Reed, a squad leader with C Co., 3-8 Cav. Regt., 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division teaches a class on range cards during the Team Leader Academy held
at Camp Hovey, Republic Of Korea August 20-23, 2019. The course teaches current and future team leaders how to think and act tactically as a team during operations. (U.S.
Army photo by Staff Sgt. Christopher Cerkoney, 3-8 Cav)
“The main
point was to get Soldiers we have identified as being in a position
to take the next step and become a team leader to expose them to
this and for active team leaders to get them to start thinking
tactically and collectively rather than as an individual,” said Sgt.
Daniel Corrigan, a squad leader with 1st platoon, Charlie Company
and one of the course instructors.
Spc. Danny Kaaihue was one
of those identified as an upcoming team leader. He said this
training was extremely beneficial to him in many ways.
new to the unit and I don’t know the Soldiers very well, so this
gave me a great opportunity to get to know them and gain more
experience,” Kaaihue said. “Some training may be repetitive or
predictable but when they put us out there up against an unknown, it
kept us on our toes and made me appreciate having those skills to
rely on.”
The lane included setting up a patrol base. Once
established, they received follow-on orders requiring movement to an
objective. When the team leaders reached the checkpoint on the way
to the objective they reacted to a near ambush.
From there, they
continued to the objective where they reacted to a far ambush. The
instructors created a complex lane where team leaders would do tasks
that perhaps they weren’t used to.
 August 22, 2019 - Spc. Benjamin Ingersoll and Sgt. Zachary Sabin with C Co., 3-8 Cav. Regt., 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division conduct planning prior to starting lanes during the Team Leader Academy held
at Camp Hovey, Republic Of Korea August 20-23, 2019. The course teaches current and future team leaders how to think and act tactically as a team during operations. (U.S.
Army photo by First Lt. Alyssa Chapman, 3-8 Cav)
“This was designed where
they were thrown into these complex situations where they have that
individual battle drill, automatic response, but where they also had
to actually think through the problem and make a decision that maybe
they weren’t used to,” Corrigan said.
“It was a great
opportunity for those of us who are current team leaders to get out
there and brush up our skills, learn some new stuff,” said Sgt.
Zachary Boyett, team leader with 3rd platoon. “Doing it separate
from those on our team helped us gain a better understanding so that
when we went and executed lanes with them we had confidence in
leading them.”
The weather and terrain played a factor in the
training just as much as the enemy and scenarios. From the humid
days to the steep and rugged terrain the team leaders were tested
“Being able to train in the actual environment and
deal with the terrain was extremely challenging but rewarding,” said
Cpl. Trevor Walker, team leader, 2nd platoon. “The land navigation
was extremely difficult and much different than what we are used to
at Fort Hood.”
Participants agreed that it was a challenging
course and one that was beneficial to their growth as team leaders
and future squad leaders.
“I definitely learned that there is
a time to lead and a time to follow,” Kaaihue said. “There may come
a time where you may have to step up to the plate and you have to be
ready for that. This course helped me take that next step.”
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