Camp Humphreys Prays For Heart Of The Nation by U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Courtney L. Davis
February 6, 2023
The scent of Korean cuisine lingered
through the air. Parishioners greeted each other with smiles and
hugs. Slicing through the festive moment, a high-pitched noise from
a microphone brought the room to a still. The words “bow your heads
as we pray” echoed off the fellowship hall of Four Chaplains
Memorial Chapel at the U.S. Army Garrison (USAG) Humphreys annual the prayer luncheon had
With folded hands and closed eyes, participants sat at
their candle-lit tables. The mellow sounds of Chap. (Lt. Col.)
Martin Cho, USAG-Humphreys deputy garrison chaplain, playing his
saxophone in the corner was followed by an invocation by Chap.
(Maj.) Christopher Odle’s, USAG-H plans and operation chaplain. The
Religious Support Office had set the atmosphere for their January 18,
prayer luncheon.
 Colonel Seth Graves, U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys commander, bows his head
with other soldiers and others for prayer during USAG Humphreys annual the prayer luncheon at Four Chaplains Memorial Chapel
on January 18, 2023. The event included prayers for the service members, families, leaders and the nation. (Image
created by USA Patriotism! from U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Courtney L. Davis.)
“Bless us as we gather today to acknowledge
the power of prayer,” said Odle. “Inspire us to pray for our
leaders, nation, Soldiers, and family regularly (…) We are grateful
for the opportunity to fellowship with our brothers and sisters.
Service to our nation is a blessing (…) we ask that you encourage,
empower, and equipped each of us. Enrich our hearts to love each
other as we love ourselves. We pray this in your mostly holy name,
Volunteers conducted intercessory prayers for the
nation, leaders, Soldiers along with Korean Augmentation to the
United States Army (KATUSA) Soldiers and families.
“Strengthen our nation’s heart, dear God” prayed Jessica Hamer, USAG
Humphreys department of resources specialist. “Give this nation a
sound mind to let us know that we can always come to you as our
savior, provider, father as well as our friend. Keep us covered
under your wing, that we are reminded that we are in this world and
never of this world.”
Commander of Headquarters and
Headquarters Company, USAG Humphreys, Capt. Kevin Pham, prayed for
the service members, asking for safe keeping, wisdom, and good
“May you encircle them with protection, and post
angels to watch over your sons and daughters as they face danger,”
said Pham. “Always defend them with your heavenly grace. May you
guard their hearts with your love, their minds with your truth, and
their body with your power.”
Prayers were made requesting
grace and mercy for leaders and their decisions, in addition to
prayers asking for the hearts of leaders to soften and for them to
display a servant-leader attitude.
“Grant them grace, as they
face the unique challenges in 2023, and beyond,” said supervisory
operation specialist Robert Nelson. “Grant them insight into the
needs of our world and military community. Fill them with wisdom,
understanding, discernment and knowledge. Draw them to you and guide
them to know and fulfill your purpose.”
Eighth Army Chaplain,
Col. Tony Petros spoke to the attendees about moving and living with
purpose, and how prayer can keep depression from consuming one’s
thoughts. He said those who know their purpose do not have to say a
word, their purpose can be seen through their body language. They
move swiftly as if trying to get somewhere. Conversely, those who
lack purpose and motivation, tend to drag and see only a bleak
future for themselves.
“When you feel your life has no
purpose and live without ambition for a length of time, it can lead
to depression,” said Petros. “We must challenge ourselves to see the
things that God has for us to accomplish, even we do not feel like
it. When we get rid of a life of hesitation and fear of the unknown
and start seeking the Lord, we allow him to use us for his glory. I
encourage you to hold on to the purpose God has for you this year
and make a positive impact.”
The event included a catered
lunch of both Korean and American cuisine; however, the impactful
prayers and message solidified the purpose of the luncheon:
believers interceding on the behalf of those they cherish.
“Bring together and keep all families in perfect unity of love and
mutual support,” petitioned Bisirat Suim, USAG Humphreys Army
Substance Abuse Program employee assistance program coordinator.
“Keep quarrels and bitterness far from them, and for their
occasional failures, instill forgiveness and peace. Guide us in the
ways of peace, save us from darkness of falsehoods, ignorance, and
evil and guide us toward the light, kindness, and truth ... We pray
for all the families of the HHC, all our Army and DOD families and
all families around the world.”
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