Soldier's Journey Becoming Army Warrant Officer
by U.S. Army Gordon Van Vleet Network Enterprise Technology Command
July 27, 2023
Attaining the rank of Warrant Officer, the
highly skilled, single-track specialty officer, in today’s Army is a
goal for some, who seek more challenges in life and work. For one
talented Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM) Warrant Officer, it was more than a challenge, it
was also a family matter as he followed in his father’s footsteps.
Warrant Office 4 Marvin F. De Ocampo, born and raised in the
Philippines, said “I was drawn to electronics and maintenance at a
young age due to my father’s trade as an electronic technician in
the Philippines. I tinkered with circuit designs before I joined the
 May 25, 2023 - Chief
Warrant Officer 4 Marvin De Ocampo, 7th Signal Command,
performs logistics actions in GCSS Army website. (Image created by USA
Patriotism! from U.S. Army NETCOM photo.)
De Ocampo immigrated to the United States
when he was 18 and from there, he worked on getting a college
degree. “I have an associate degree from Central Texas College;
bachelor’s degree from Troy University; and a master’s degree from
American Military/Public University,” said De Ocampo.
joined the Army to gain new skills and opportunity in Jan. 2001. My
enlisted MOS was 94D, Air Traffic Control Equipment Repairer,” said
De Ocampo. “Signal and Cyber MOS’s were my first choices but was not
able to get into any of those so I asked the Army Career Counseling
for the first open MOS that will allow me to work on electronics
Joining the Army and getting a job where he worked on electronics
equipment was the first step, so naturally the next would be to up
the ante and focus on becoming an Army Warrant Officer.
“Transitioning to the Warrant Officer Cohort was a tough decision
but I knew I wanted to continue serving in a technical capacity,”
said De Ocampo. “In addition, I had great warrant officer mentors
that encouraged me to take the next step and become a warrant
officer. I graduated the Warrant Officer Candidate School in October
Having great mentors was a factor that made the
transition easier. “Chief Warrant Officer’s 4 (Retired) Jeffrey
Murray and David Luplow were my mentors as a young warrant officer,
ensuring I transitioned well,” said De Ocampo. “Chief Warrant
Officer 5 (Retired) John Howze made an impact on my career and
professional development as a senior CW2. Currently, Chief Warrant
Officer 5 Jeffery Heil is my primary mentor and pushing to unlock
more of my potential.”
Having great mentors was not the only
factor in shaping the professional De Ocampo would become; it was
also the challenging assignments and positions he held. “All my
assignments were special,” said De Ocampo. “I made a point of
learning and thriving in the positions and opportunities my
supervisors gave me.”
“Serving as a Training, Advising, and
Counseling Officer for the 1st Warrant Officer Company, Warrant
Officer Career College, was an honor and privilege. Being part of
the mentorship of future warrant officers during their initial
leadership training is rewarding because you learn as much from them
as they learn from you,” De Ocampo explained.
Of course, some
assignments were more memorable than others. “As a unit commander of
the only Air Traffic Control Support Maintenance Company in the Army
for nearly three years was probably one of the top highlights of my
career as a Soldier and a Warrant Officer,” said De Ocampo.
“Ensuring the unit is ready to support multi-theater and large-scale
combat operation is challenging. In addition, steering the
organization to meet the current and future need of the Army through
Force Design Update and operational changes required 100% support
and confidence from every individual in the organization and command
teams and staffs of the Air Traffic Services Command and Forces
Some of the challenges serving in maintenance and
logistics field were related to knowledge. “Don’t be afraid to ask
questions,” said De Ocampo. “There are lots of areas that impacts
maintenance and logistics. Funding, supply, and transportation
impacts maintenance operation. Understanding funding streams; supply
activities; and all facets of transportation and shipping makes it
easier to execute maintenance operations regardless of unit type.”
Continuous learning is a good way to describe De Ocampo’s
current efforts. “I want to learn and contribute as best I can
during my time here. Maintenance and readiness visibility are huge
part of what I can bring to the table as a warrant officer,” said De
Ocampo. “So, being part of a group of experts that discusses and
develops ways to improve and maintain our readiness to be able to
fight tonight is a good goal to accomplish.”
De Ocampo’s
current position at 7th Signal Command is both challenging and
“I am Responsible for the Commanding General's
maintenance program,” said De Ocampo. “I advise the G4 on the
readiness, sustainment and system integration of the strategic
Communication Network fleet and infrastructure. I also provide
operational endurance to three Brigade Commanders overseeing 44
Network Enterprise Centers and nine strategic units by identifying
and filling sustainment gaps; provide assistance on securing
transportation requirements of subordinate units; leverages the
subject matter experts and strategic and sustainment partners to
provide resources and support to the Brigades and NECs.”
asked what he enjoyed most about his career, his answer was
straightforward and simple. “Continuous development as a logistician
and mentoring others,” De Ocampo said.
“The United States
Army provides plenty of opportunity for anyone that is looking for
it,” said De Ocampo as he closed out the interview with some words
of inspiration for others. “The workload varies between MOS’ and
type of units. For those Soldiers thinking of becoming a warrant
officer, the road begins with a self-assessment. Warrant Officers
are expected to be subject matter experts, problem solvers,
advisers, leaders, and mentors.”
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