Sir Isaac Newton once wrote, “If I have seen further, it is by
standing on the shoulders of giants.”
Every generation has
heroes who have changed the course of history by somehow laying a
foundation people could build upon. In aviation, there were the
Wright Brothers, who pioneered modern flight. They were soon
followed by other giants, including the first U.S. women to pilot
military aircraft in support of war.
Standing on the
shoulders of these aviators are 699 women in the Air Force who
currently pilot aircraft, with less than 100 operating fighter jets.
Women who pilot fighter jets are so rare, it wasn’t until 2015
that Capt. Michelle “Mace” Curran, an F-16 Fighting Falcon pilot,
became the first woman assigned to fly in the 355th Fighter Squadron
here, an active associate unit of the 301st Fighter Wing here.

U.S. Air Force Capt. Michelle “Mace” Curran, 355th Fighter Squadron
F-16 pilot, looks up during launch preparations on the flightline at
Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base, Texas, March 4,
2017. Curran was the first woman assigned to fly in the squadron and
attributed her success to her parents, leadership and strong women
in aviation past and present who’ve helped pave the way. (U.S. Air
Force photo by Staff Sgt. Samantha Mathison)
“There are so many strong women who have paved the way
for me to be able to do what I do today,” Curran said. “From
the WASPs in WWII, to the first female fighter pilot in the
Air Force, Jeannie Leavitt. They have broken barriers and
done great things.”
In 1942, Gen. Henry H. “Hap”
Arnold, retired General of the Air Force, recognized the
potential for talent among women and initiated the Women’s
Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron and the Women’s Flying Training
Detachment. A year later, the two organizations merged and
became the Women’s Air Force Service Pilots, or WASPs.
Only 1,074 women graduated from the WASP training
program before it disbanded in Dec. 1944. However, they
ferried military aircraft an estimated 60 million miles
across the U.S. in support of World War II.
In spite
of the heights the WASPs reached, women didn’t fly as pilots
in the modern Air Force until 1976. Then, in 1993, the Air
Force fighter pilot training program officially removed its
gender barrier, allowing women pilots to enter the fighter
world for the first time.
Curran said she pursued a
flying career because she was drawn by the thrill and
excitement of piloting fighter aircraft.
“Flying was
what appealed to me most when I thought ‘military’ and that
is what drew me specifically to the Air Force,” she said. “I
think you feel most alive when you are experiencing
something new and exciting, or something that takes you
outside your comfort zone and maybe scares you just a

U.S. Air Force Capt. Michelle “Mace” Curran, 355th Fighter Squadron
F-16 pilot, inspects her aircraft on the flightline during launch
preparations at Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base,
Texas, March 4, 2017. Curran recently became an instructor pilot,
ensuring the proficiency of new pilots and teaching the skills and
knowledge essential for success. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt.
Samantha Mathison)
According to Curran, the competition was high in attaining a
fighter pilot position, but the support and encouragement from her
parents, leadership and fellow women in the fighter pilot community
kept her contending for a coveted slot.
It’s never a
competition with other women who are fighter pilots, but rather a
sisterhood and support network, Curran stated. These are the Airmen
she’s turned to the most for inspiration and mentorship.
Regardless, there are challenges Curran must constantly overcome.
“The biggest challenge I face in this career field is probably
the same one most of my male counterparts face,” she said. “That is
staying up to date and proficient with the ever-changing tactics and
avionics in this aircraft. Most of us are pretty hard on ourselves
and want to be the best.”
Curran, along with her sisterhood,
proves every day that gender barriers can be broken and success can
be attained by both men and women.
Yet, in order to stand on
the shoulders of giants, the giants must be known and recognized. In
1987, Congress declared March Women’s History Month to honor the
extraordinary achievements of American women throughout history.
“Women’s History Month isn’t about highlighting the differences
between men and women, but rather celebrating the heritage that has
gotten us to where we are today,” Curran said. “It’s another
opportunity for us to inspire the next generation.”
heights of Curran’s capabilities and achievements are not just a
reflection of herself, but also serve to symbolize change within the
355th FS, the Air Force and the military as a whole.

U.S. Air Force Capt. Michelle “Mace” Curran, 355th Fighter Squadron
F-16 pilot, walks with fellow pilots on the way to their aircraft at
Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base, Texas, March 4,
2017. Curran has flown an estimated 800 flying hours in the F-16
since commissioning in 2009. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt.
Samantha Mathison)
Lt. Col. Matthew Chisam, 355th FS commander, said that
Curran is living proof there is no difference between men
and women when it comes to being an excellent fighter pilot.
He said he hopes she inspires other women to become pilots.
“It upsets me that there are women out there who don't
know the military is one of the last great meritocracies,” Chisam said. “As long as you are good
enough, you can be a fighter pilot, regardless of your race, creed,
or gender.”
According to Chisam, piloting fighter jets is not
an easy job because it is physically and mentally demanding, while
requiring dedication and precision during wartime missions.
The F-16 Fighting Falcon, with a full load of fuel, can withstand up
to nine times the force of gravity, known as Gs. The pilot must
maintain flight control during these high G-force combat maneuvers,
while tracking targets, weather conditions and any neighboring
“If a pilot doesn’t live up to the high standards
we set, they would not fly with us,” Chisam said. “Curran has proven
herself an extremely valuable asset to our squadron and the Air
Force, because her performance demands respect.”
With the
support of those around them and those who came before, modern
American women like Curran show every day that gender barriers mean
nothing when taking off from the shoulders of giants.
By U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Samantha Mathison
through DVIDS
Copyright 2018
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