We Need You
by U.S. Air Force 21st Space Wing Public Affairs January 17,
From day one in our Air Force careers, we discuss the challenge
of how to balance the mission and our people. “Mission first, people
always,” or, “take care of your people and they’ll take care of the
mission,” are common schools of thought. But one thing is certain –
our core value of service before self is the center focus regardless
of which theory you subscribe to. Our people sacrifice daily by
giving every ounce of what they have to accomplish the mission
because it’s our way of life, and our freedom depends on it.
I believe that, deep down, we all want to put service before
self. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t have joined the world’s greatest Air
Force. However, I think that some of us misinterpret what that
really means.
Service before self does not mean that we have
to keep our struggles to ourselves. It does not mean that we have to
do everything on our own. It does not mean that we push ourselves to
the point of breaking.
We can’t give what we don’t have, so
sometimes service before self means putting yourself first so you
can make sure you’re OK.
We need every single one of you to
be OK.
Sometimes, that means asking for help. I know that
asking for help can be terrifying. It can make anyone feel
vulnerable. Naturally, we don’t want our peers to think we can’t do
it all, or we can’t handle it all, or we can’t be it all. But the
reality is, no one can. We all need help in some area of our lives.
Leaders and coworkers at all levels, it is up to you to
create an environment where Airmen don’t feel terrified to ask you
for help. During a recent resiliency tactical pause in my own unit,
I learned that despite how hard we push the importance of going to
leaders and helping agencies for assistance, Airmen still feel there
are lingering negative connotations for asking for help. However, my
Airmen also explained that hearing about others who had real
problems, received help and recovered are inspirational. Stories
like that help them understand that it’s okay to ask for help.

January 15, 2020 - U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Joseph T. Guastella Jr., U.S. Air Forces Central Command commander (left), speaks with U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Shawn L. Drinkard, AFCENT command chief, at Al Dhafra Air Base, United Arab Emirates. The AFCENT command team met with leadership and hosted an aircrew all-call where they talked about the importance of Airmen in the joint fight and AFCENT’s role in current operations. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Kat Justen)
A few years ago, I had to ask for help. I was at a point in my
career where I received a one-year school opportunity. My family and
I made a difficult decision for me to PCS alone and leave my family
in place for stability. What we didn’t know at the time is that
toward the end of that year we’d lose my wife’s father, my
grandfather and our family dog each to cancer and that I’d be
selected for a subsequent one-year remote squadron command, all
within two months. These events challenged myself and my family to
say the least, but I reached out to one of my former squadron
commanders. He and his wife spent a lot of time coaching my family
and helping us walk through how to heal and deal with these types of
issues. They’d been there too.
Yes, all of our plates are
full. Yes, we all have dozens of taskers that all seem to demand our
attention right this second. But we have got to make the time to
truly build relationships with our Airmen. We need to know our
Airmen well enough that we can tell just by looking at them that
they’re having a bad day, and then we need to take the time to do
something about it. We need to genuinely care about them, and they
need to be able to tell that we do.
An Airman who thinks
their leadership doesn’t care about them as a person is an Airman
who begins to think they don’t matter. And let me just tell you
myself – you all matter. You are all necessary. We need you.
I think that the resiliency tactical pause was a fantastic idea,
and we need to take it seriously. If we approach this as just
another box we need to check and our Airmen can tell we’re just
checking a box, then we are not meeting General Goldfein’s intent. I
believe his intent is for us to truly take a breath, use that time
to foster our relationships with one another and incorporate these
types of events into our culture for lasting improvement.
take time regularly for those relationships, and don’t just read
from training material. Look one another in the eyes and have a real
conversation. Talk about what’s hard, what you’re struggling with,
what brings you joy. Find some common ground, and connect with one
another because real relationships are what show us that we matter
and what make all the difficult parts of this life we’ve chosen
worth it.
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