commanding officer of Marine Aircraft Group 39, Col. Michael
Borgschulte made it one of his command priorities to create a
stronger relationship between the squadrons of MAG-39 and the ground
units within I Marine Expeditionary Force at Marine Corps Base Camp
Pendleton, California.
According to Borgschulte, the end
state of this effort is to develop a closer integration of the
Marine Air-Ground Task Force and in particular the ground combat
element and aviation combat element.
In the Marine Corps, the Marine Air-Ground Task Force is
the principal organization for all missions across the range
of military operations.
The MAGTF allows commanders
the ability to maintain a persistent U.S. presence around
the world and can be rapidly deployed to execute combat
operations or provide humanitarian and disaster relief
assistance around the world.
The key to the Marine
Corps' success during combat operations is maintaining a
strong MAGTF and the integration between all components is
 A UH-1Y Huey with Marine Aircraft Group 39 conducts close-air support during a MAGTF Integration Exercise in El Centro, Calif., April 28, 2016. As part of Marine Aircraft Group 39's new integration effort, they conduct integration exercises quarterly that closely integrate ground and air assets allowing for a greater degree of symbiotic training. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Alissa Schuning)
Borgschulte plans to accomplish the MAGTF
integration through four lines of effort: MAGTF unit
partnership, an Aviator Immersion Program, MAGTF Integration
Exercises and MAGTF Simulation Exercises.
The first
line of effort partners aviation squadrons with ground
units, particularly ones that are deploying together. Each
MAG-39 squadron has recently partnered with, or “adopted,”
an infantry battalion to form mutually beneficial ties.
“This [line of effort] is meant to build relationships
and create more symbiotic training evolutions,” said
Borgschulte. “Rather than injecting notional ground combat
elements into our training scenarios, let's do it for real.
It allows the GCE more aviation assets to accomplish their
[mission essential tasks] while at the same time allowing
the aviation combat element to accomplish their METs, so
it's really a win-win and more realistic training overall.”
This partnership also includes the squadrons painting
the unit logo of the ground unit they are partnered with on
the aircraft, which increases unit morale for the Marines.
“As squadron CO in Afghanistan, we painted the battalion
logo of each unit we were fighting with on the side of our
aircraft,” said Borgschulte. “Something seemingly
insignificant sends a strong statement to the Marines you
are supporting on the deck and helps strengthen that bond.”
The second line of effort is the Aviator Immersion
Program, which allows pilots from various squadrons within
MAG-39 to attach to a ground unit for a 45 to 60 day period,
to gain a greater understanding of company and battalion
level tactics.
Capt. Jason Grimes, an AH-1Z Cobra
pilot with Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 369, was
the first aviator to integrate with ground units during
training at Mountain Warfare Training Center Bridgeport,
Grimes joined Golf Company, 2nd
Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, and acted as an additional
forward air controller during their Mountain Warfare
“[During the training], I got to work with
the ground [Marines] on planning how to utilize the air and
ground forces to find and attack the enemy,” said Grimes.
“It was a great experience learning how the company and the
battalion employ their tactics. This training is going to
make me a better attack pilot and a better Marine officer.”
The program isn't only for aviators. According to
Borgschulte, Marines from ground units are invited to see
what the Marines on the flight line do as well.
 Marines from 1st Marine Division conduct a Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel mission with Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 364 during a Marine Air-Ground Task Force Integration Exercise in El Centro, Calif., April 28, 2016. As part of Marine Aircraft Group 39's new integration effort, they conduct integration exercises quarterly that closely integrate ground and air assets allowing for a greater degree of symbiotic training. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Alissa Schuning)
Aviator Immersion Program is a reciprocal invitation,” said
Borgschulte. “We've had mechanics with 1st [Light Armored
Reconnaissance Battalion] come to HMLA-267 to see how
challenging it is to keep these birds in the air and how
similar it is to working on a Light Armored Vehicle, and we
sent the aviation mechanics to 1st LAR to see the same vice
The third line of effort is MAGTF
Integration Exercises, which are medium-scale exercises done
quarterly that combines multiple aviation and ground assets.
“This is simply using the synergy of all aviation assets
and ground assets and putting them in an integrated exercise
developed and led at the grass-roots level,” said
Marine Aircraft Group 39 conducted
their second medium-scale exercise as part of the
integration initiative in the range complex near El Centro,
California, April 28.
The exercise consisted of a day
into night, live-fire mission with a battalion Tactical Air
Control Party team controlling multiple aircraft and a
battalion platoon executing a Tactical Recovery of Aircraft
and Personnel. This exercise included nine different MAG-39
squadrons and their partnering units from 1st Marine
According to Borgschulte, the MAGTF
Integration Exercises offer both ground and air units the
ability to conduct synchronized training evolutions leading
to more realistic and effective training environments.
The fourth line of effort is MAGTF Integration
Simulation Exercises, similar to the medium-scale exercises
but conducted through aircraft and ground simulators.
 Service members from 1st Marine Division apply first aid to simulated casualties during a Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel mission in El Centro, Calif., April 28, 2016. The TRAP mission was a part of a Marine Air-Ground Task Force Integration Exercise with units from Marine Aircraft Group 39 as a part of MAG-39's new MAGTF integration effort. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Alissa Schuning)
The simulation exercises involve linking separate
aircraft simulators from MCB Camp Pendleton, Marine Corps
Air Station Miramar, California, and MCAS Yuma, Arizona, and
having GCE Marines man simulator stations while exercising
functions of a Fire Support Coordination Center, TACP, and
the Marine Air Command and Control System.
In April,
MAG-39 coordinated and executed one of the simulation
exercises with seven separate flying simulators executing a
high-threat mission integrated with GCE Marines in their
combat roles. The aircraft simulators consisted of two AH-1Z
Cobras, two UH-1Y Hueys, one AV-8B Harrier and two MV-22B
During the simulation, they executed
close-air support, casualty evacuation, helicopter-borne
company assaults and TRAP missions. The simulation also
involved full Marine Air Command and Control architecture
established with a Fire Support Coordination Center and
Joint Terminal Attack Controllers along with 3rd Low
Altitude Air Defense Battalion integrated into planning and
According to Borgschulte, the involvement
of the GCE during these events provides a more realistic
environment and the ability to train for the high-end fight
through simulation.
Borgschulte believes that closer
MAGTF integration is key to success on the battlefield and
through these initiatives MAG-39 will increase their overall
combat readiness and effectiveness.
“These efforts
force Marines to have a better understanding of the combat
element components within the MAGTF and forges enduring
cross-MAGTF relationships,” said Borgschulte. “Relationships
matter, and when we deploy for contingency operations those
relationships can be leveraged, making the MAGTF a more
cohesive and capable warfighting force.”
By U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Alissa Schuning
Marine Corps News Copyright 2016
The U.S. Marines
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