Bob Calvert's dedicated, tireless effort as the founder and host of the Talking With Heroes show, which includes repeated trips to Iraq and Afghanistan to interview America's brave, honorable troops serving in harm's way ... speaks for itself ... and for his induction into Patriots Hall of Honor. Nor has Bob Calvert's efforts been for personal financial gain . . . doing so out of deep respect, pride, and support of America's troops and veterans . . . and love of the USA! David G. Bancroft USA Patriotism! Founder/Owner
In Bob Calvert's own words... I am the founder and host of the Talking With Heroes show and the Editor of our Thank You For Your Service.
While I never served in one of America's military services, other family members have including... My dad served in WWII on an aircraft. carrier in the Pacific. My youngest brother enlisted in the Air Force at 18 years old and served for 8 years. A few years ago at 44, he left. a successful auto sales career and reenlisted into the Army. He is now a Captain serving at Ft. Benning where he is an Officer at the Lab at the Main Hospital. He is getting ready to be deployed to Afghanistan. My daughter, who I raised by myself from the time she was 2-1/2, enlisted in the Army when she was 18 years old. (Her boyfriend then was in the Army.) I had no real personal experience with service in the military and realized that I would have to learn how to support her in the Army. (She is now a proud veteran.) A few years later I moved to Ft. Riley where they were stationed. I was finding out about military support groups like Soldiers Angels and others. In early 2005 my then son-in-law was deployed to Iraq. Five days after he deployed, my daughter gave birth to their first child at Evans Hospital on Ft. Carson. About six months after he returned from Iraq shortly he transferred to Ft. Carson. He deployed for 15 months with the 1-8 where they served in Mosul, Iraq.
In Dec 2005 at the suggestion of a SGT and Special Forces Soldier, I started the Talking with Heroes show. I would interview military personnel and military support groups via phone and broadcast live on the internet.
In 2006 and 2007 I took Talking with Heroes to Iraq three times. Our brave men and women talked about what they do to help the people in Iraq. We were at the grand opening of a school that opened because of over 10 months of hard work by the Minnesota National Guard and help from families back home, with Military Transition Teams and the Iraqi Army. We were with the Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, an Iraqi Air Force General and Iraqis.
I lived in Rawah, Iraq with Marines and Iraqi Police, with USACE and ND National Guard at a Children's Hospital, at a Water Treatment Plant, interviewed Iraqis by Falluja and in Eastern Baghdad. In 2007 I was with the 2ID/2BCT from Ft. Carson, and back with the School Principal in Habbaniyu Tourist Village in Camp Al Taqaddum.
In April/May 2010... I was in Afghanistan with Ft. Carson's 4BCT 4ID. In Aug/Sept 2010... I was back in Iraq this time with Ft. Bennings 3HBCT3ID, Ft. Carson's 3BCT4ID, North Dakota NG then back over to Afghanistan with the Panjshir Province PRT.
All the associated videos are on Talking with Heroes' YouTube channel along with other videos.
The American people are now watching many previously untold progress and positive stories directly from our military personnel, civilians, Iraqis and Afghans that there is in fact progress happening! Fellow Patriots Thoughts About Bob Calvert Susan Warren It is not that simple to express my admiration for Bob Calvert. Bob and I met many years ago, naturally over the internet. We quickly became mutual supporters of our efforts in support of our troops deployed. (I do care packages). It's been so long I cannot recall how we first connected. I prefer to speak with people I meet over the phone, the old fashioned way, as it is more personal than email.
I immediately realized that there was something unique and special about Bob. He is a giver....but more than just a giver....he gives 110% of his life....living from hand to mouth, year after year, living totally faith. He has dedicated his life to his mission....'talking with heroes' both here at home and in Iraq and Afghanistan. He managed to get there solely because others see in him what I have seen.....a humble and determined man who believes that the stories of our men and women in uniform need to be heard by all America...and not through main stream media.
So many times it looked as if the project might end....funds running out, plans falling through, donors backing out....but no matter the challenge..none was too great for Bob. He continuously placed his faith in God and Americans and never gave up. I have told him numerous times that he is an inspiration to me. His challenges would cause the average person to throw in the towel, but Bob's commitment truly goes above and beyond.
I am more than thrilled that you have chosen to honor Bob for his tireless efforts on behalf of our service men and women. Thank you for recognizing an American Patriot who has done so much to bring our troops stories home. God bless you, Sir. Claudia Pemberton, author of Love Leaves No One Behind I can't imagine anyone more deserving than Bob Calvert for induction into the Patriots Hall of Honor. Bob is a Patriot in the truest sense of the word. His love and respect for America's troops runs deep, and extends as far as Bob can possibly reach. His devotion to giving audience to our Soldiers through his Talking with Heroes program is a blessing on both fronts. The Soldiers get to tell their stories, and the home front gets to send their love. What a noble undertaking, and what an admirable Patriot. Thank you for your efforts, Bob, and congratulations on your induction. |