Memorial Day | 
| Today is for remembering, And honoring those who gave Their last measure of devotion, Our freedom thus to save, And also our sweet liberty, For which they bled and died, Or suffered pain and anguish, Which history cannot hide.
They wanted us to be free, Free from tyranny, And free from kings and rulers, From far across the sea, And free to be a nation Where patriots reside, And where their children can be free, And never have to hide.
Where loving fathers and mothers, Can teach their children dear, About our Heavenly Father, And why He's placed us here, Who's given us our freedom, And wants us to be true, True to God, and true to man, And our Red, White and Blue.
We need to here remember The sacrifice they made, And honor them upon this day With music and parade, And also showing gratitude To Father up above, For freedom and for liberty, And this nation that we love.
"Greater love hath no man Than this," the Savior said, "That a man lay down his life For his friends." That's what I read In John, Chapter 15, Where Jesus speaks of love, And also speaks of friendship In mansions up above.
He gave His life upon the cross That you and I might be Free from death's eternal grasp, And pain and misery, And free from sin and error, And chains of bondage, too, So let us also honor Him, Each day, our whole life through.
Not only on the battlefield, But in our hearts as well, Should be the "Pride of Ownership" In our dear Liberty Bell, And also the Statue of Liberty, And our Founding Fathers here, Who wrote as God directed, Those documents I love dear,
And since that day in history, True patriots have stood, So they could be counted, Because they understood How precious freedom really is, And how we need to be Doing all that we can do To keep this nation free.
God bless us as a nation, And bless each patriot, too, And bless the living and the dead Who've stood both brave and true, And fought our nation's battles At home and on foreign shore, Just as they're now fighting In the Iraqi war.
Not fighting thus to conquer, But to set that nation free, Free from chains of bondage, And also tyranny, And tyrants who would thus enslave The people of that land, Who've yearned for freedom many years, Because they understand
How precious freedom really is, And why they want to be Free from chains of bondage, And from captivity, And there are many there who've given Their last measure, too, For freedom and for liberty, That's worthy to pursue.
Today let's pause and honor The living, and the dead Who've given their last measure, And let our prayers be said For those who yet may suffer In chains of bondage here, And remember, please remember, That all to God are dear. | By James H. Lee, Jr. Copyright 2005 Listed 05/30/2005 |