Patriotic Article
Pride By David G. Bancroft | |
 | Elected Officials Love America Too! (September 7, 2006) | 
| I would like to remind all that while we each have our preferences, we should be above politics when it comes to looking at our elected officials as Americans, who also have a love and pride of country. I strongly believe that they truly approach their job with the same feeling for the USA as we do. (How each elected official goes about it is where politics and partisanship becomes a problem for many of them . . . and most of us!)
And while love of country is so easily seen and represented by each of our brave troops and veterans, the same can be said to the one who holds and has held the Office of the President of the United States. All should easily see it in the emotions expressed by President George W. Bush . . . even if you might disagree
with him for whatever reason. The same can be said for
former President Clinton, as his love of country has never been an issue for me
Moreover, seeing President George W. Bush with former Presidents Bush (his father) and Clinton interacting at events illustrates their collective love of country and wishing only for its best. Look what Presidents Clinton and George H. Bush did together after the horrific loss of life from the tidal wave in the Indian Ocean and then after Hurricane Katrina. Now, that is the love and pride of country above politics that we should always want and expect!
Yes, each President, including Kennedy, Lincoln, and Washington had their problems too . . . that today's media would make re-election questionable . . . but their love of country like President Reagan's (and even Richard Nixon) should be beyond question.
Now, love of country doesn't absolve an elected official from wrong doing either or prevent him or her from being defeated in the next election by another person who loves America just as dearly. The real sad part is when it really was about placing country above politics . . . making one shudder at the thought that politics can become more important than country for some. I am not sure an adequate explanation is there for me either, but I am human too and subject to err even with good intentions.
The point here is more about reminding our elected officials of their own love and pride of America, especially when they find themselves playing politics when their love of country should come first . . . even if it is politically dangerous to do so. Isn't that the type of men and women we want leading our country at all levels?
Finally, I invite you to read my new poem, National Will, with the hope that it resonates from a historic perspective.
May God continue to bless America, watch over our troops, and guide our elected officials to represent us first.
David G. Bancroft Founder / Owner USA Patriotism! Copyright 2006