As we close out 2008
under very difficult global economic woes that will
follow us and our new President into 2009, I would
like to remind all that America has found Her way
back and better from every national adversity . . .
be it economic, natural disaster, or war.
We should always
remember what our greatest generation endured,
knowing America would not be if they had not
persevered through the Depression, World War II and
the Korean War.
And we were blessed with many great
leaders from them... like Ronald Reagan.
So, let us all keep
faith in America and our fellow citizens, as most of
us share the legacy of the greatest generation
by blood and example.
I also think the song, Not Me,
written and performed by country singer, Keni
Thomas, wonderfully reminds us why America remains the greatest and strongest nation.
(Keni Thomas has also been
honored in "Stars There For The Troops".)
Moreover, my poem,
Holiday Blessings, that I wrote last December was written for a similar reason... remembering and giving thanks
for all that America has endured, achieved, and
shall still do in the name of freedom and justice.
Nor is there a better time to do so than during the
holiday season we are now enjoying in our own
special way. May God
continue to watch over our beloved America and
brave, honorable
troops . . . with special prayers for those in harms

David G. Bancroft Founder / Owner USA Patriotism! Copyright 2008