U.S. Space Effort's Future Hinges on Private Industry by C. Todd Lopez, DOD News
August 4, 2020
When the United States sent men to the moon in the 1960s, the
effort was largely driven by the government. But the future of the
U.S. space effort will be agile innovators in the private sector who
partner with the government, the Space Force's chief scientist said.
"We're very much at a precipice where private investment in
space is driving the technology, not necessarily government
investment as it has been in the past," Dr. Joel B. Mozer said today
during a virtual panel discussion at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies in Washington.
The U.S. government, in
its pursuit of advancements and participation in the space domain,
can contribute through investments in science, technology,
infrastructure and science, technology, engineering and math — or
STEM — education, Mozer said, as well as through development of
policies and regulations that strengthen space efforts.
Defense Department officials must have a unique perspective on
space, how it can be used, and what must be done to achieve national
security objectives, Mozer said.
"Firstly, it's going to
shape the environment that we operate in and will evolve our mission
to protect U.S. interests both here on Earth and beyond in the
future," he explained. "Second, many of the technological
innovations that are now coming and will continue to come from
entrepreneurs and industrialists in the space business are from
those entrepreneurs. We must harness those innovations for our
mission to support the joint fight when we're called upon to do so."
Finally, Mozer said, those involved in the military's pursuit of
space must overmatch America's strategic competitors.
is now a warfighting domain," he said. "We must work with industry,
as well as our allies, to protect our ability to operate in that
domain and to defend our capabilities and ensure that they're there
when needed as well as to ensure that the technological advantage in
space goes to freedom-loving states who desire to keep space lines
of commerce open for all."
 A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket carrying the Air Force's GPSIIF-11 launches from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida on October 31, 2015. (Photo courtesy of Michael Howard Photography through U.S. Department of Defense)
In May, NewSpace New Mexico sponsored a four-day conference to
discuss civil, commercial and national security space strategy. That
conference produced the nearly 90-page report "State of the Space
Industrial Base Report 2020."
Mozer, one of the report's
authors, said 10 recommendations regarding the future of space — six
for the U.S government and four for industry — were the key
The No. 1 recommendation, Mozer said, is that the
U.S. government develop and endorse a whole-of-government "North
Star" vision and strategy for the industrial development of space
and that a presidential task force be established to execute that
"This recommendation is particularly important, and
I believe that we're getting there," Mozer said. "In recent years
and months, we've seen a lot of action and direction in this
As examples of progress, he cited NASA's Artemis
mission, which plans to put the first woman and the next man on the
moon by 2024. The establishment of the Space Force is also an
example of progress.
"There's a lot of thought being put into
this 'North Star' vision, and we're laying some groundwork for it,"
he said. "However, it is still significant that this recommendation
came out on top from the workshop. It tells me that we still have
some work to do to describe this future vision, a vision that the
nation could get behind and adopt."
The "North Star" vision
must be specific about what the United States wants its future in
space to look like, and U.S. officials must make sure the decisions
they make now move the nation toward a future in space that
Americans can aspire to and be proud of, Mozer said.
nations, specifically China, already have a long-term vision of the
future of space and are making investments toward their own visions,
he noted.
"The importance of such a vision is that it has the
potential to derive national pride and to instill a culture of
progress, and it highlights the value of STEM education for aspiring
youth," he said. "There's lots of benefits of such a vision. The
value is immense of a 'North Star' vision, and the consequences of a
lack of such visual are potentially disastrous."
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