2021 Chemical and Biological Operational Analysis by Darnell Gardner, Defense Threat Reduction Agency
July 27, 2021
Uniformed personnel representing the U.S. Joint Forces,
participated in the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA), 2021
Chemical and Biological Operational Analysis (CBOA) at the Joint
Expeditionary Base Little Creek – Fort Story, Virginia from May 24-28,
The annual CBOA exercise equips end-users with the
most up-to-date defense prototypes to assess in a simulated chemical
and biological threat environment. This event provides technology
developers with the opportunity to observe how their prototypes
perform when used by front-line warfighters in a variety of
threat-based scenarios. The feedback provided will guide product
development and inform investment strategies that directly address
warfighter requirements.
 May 25, 2021 - Uniformed personnel representing the U.S. Joint Forces,
participated in the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s
(DTRA), 2021 Chemical and Biological Operational Analysis
(CBOA) at the Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek – Fort
Story, VA from May 24-28, 2021. (Defense Threat Reduction
Agency photo by
William Bunce)
“One of our mantras at DTRA is ‘user
feedback -early and often’,” explained Dr. Ron Hann, acting director
for DTRA’s research and development efforts. “By bringing industry,
academia and other DoD elements to the warfighter, we are able to
spur innovation and experimentation to deliver next generation
capabilities. We also have representatives from DoD’s Joint Program
Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense in attendance
to view horizon-technology and strategize on potential future
acquisition prospects.”
The CBOA support staff, uniformed
operators, and technology developers delivered realistic
threat-scenarios such as Fixed Site Operations, Thorough Decon
Support Operations and Domestic CBRN Prevention and Response. These
sceneries enabled warfighters to demonstrate innovative technologies
that detect, deter, and defeat chemical and biological threats.
“The CBOA event is a scenario-driven, experiment that provides a
unique opportunity for our technology developers to engage directly
with the warfighter in a field environment,” said Markham Smith,
program manager for the CBOA program. “This year also brought unique
planning and execution challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We
did not receive the green light to proceed until we developed an
approved COVID mitigation and response plan that implemented
measures to ensure for a safe working environment.”
Over the
years, the success of CBOA has attracted a growing followership of
industry innovators, academia and various U.S. Government (USG)
agencies, to include DoD enterprise partners. Although attendance
was limited in order to comply with the CBOA COVID Mitigation and
Response Plan, the event still drew the largest contingent to date,
totaling more than 450 attendees, including 109 uniformed personnel,
and featuring approximately 58 technology prototypes and concepts.
Smith further explained that during CBOA, end-users provide
immediate feedback to gauge product form, fit and function, from
both operator and adversary perspectives to identify potential
improvements and uncover shortfalls. This process enables real-time
technology improvement that will lead to more accurate course
corrections, and in best-case scenarios, confirm technology
“CBOA provides an opportunity for developers to
challenge the limits of their technology and receive candid feedback
focused on applicability, utility, recommended improvements in a
collaborative, non-attributional, learning environment. Failure
doesn’t exist. Opportunities are identified to improve the
effectiveness and utility of CB centric technologies” Smith added.
This year’s CBOA included the use of Military Working Dogs
(MWDs) as part of the live scenarios. MWDs have always been a
valuable asset to the Joint Forces. However, personal protective
equipment for these canines has not evolved in unison with chemical
and biological threats.

May 27, 2021 - For the first time ever, Military Working
Dogs from the U.S. Joint Forces, participated in the Defense
Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA), 2021 Chemical and
Biological Operational Analysis (CBOA) at the Joint
Expeditionary Base Little Creek – Fort Story, VA from May 24-28, 2021. (Defense Threat Reduction
Agency photo by
William Bunce)
“For the first time, we included
canines and medical response elements to the CBOA joint battlefield
this year,” stated Lt. Col. Barbara Cloutier, DTRA Warfighter
Medical Integrator and onsite Lead Veterinarian. “Prior to the MWD
inclusion, my team developed an animal-use protocol to ensure the
safety and comfort of the canines during fixed site operations. Our
handlers ran canines through simulated contaminated areas, which
required specialized decontamination technologies. We successfully
tested six technologies for canine decontamination.”
Cloutier further elaborated that in keeping up with emerging threats
that can negatively affect MWDs, venders and technology developers
brought horizon-technology to CBOA for evaluation. Concepts such as
the newly developed canine respirator may receive consideration for
future analysis.
An added feature to CBOA was the User
Feedback Tent for Technology Concepts (Concept Tent), which featured
USG-sponsored technologies and concepts that do not yet have
prototypes to assess in the live scenarios. The Concept Tent
provided a venue for technology developers to leverage the
experience and knowledge of CBOA operators to identify potential
areas for improvement or employment.
According to Smith, the
Concept Tent provides an early “sanity check” that helps optimize
the effectiveness and utility of emerging technologies by informing
investment and technology development strategies early in the
development cycle.
There were 21 government sponsored CBRN
concepts/emerging technologies participating in CBOA 21. Partners
representing U.S. Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command
(DEVCOM), Dr. Rick Cox, Research and Technology Director for
DEVCOM’s Chemical and Biological Center and Ms. Fiona Narayanan,
branch chief for NCB Battlefield Integration within the Research and
Technology Directorate were present to discuss the development and
interoperability of horizon-technology.
“We are here to
support CBOA prototypes that rate within technology readiness levels
(TRL) four to six,” explained Narayanan. “These TRL products are not
mature enough for battlefield testing, but will give the warfighter
an idea of what’s on the horizon. Our goal is to ensure these
upcoming products are able to integrate with current command and
control communication systems.”
As earlier explained by Hann,
end-user feedback “early and often” is vital to successful
technology development. Chief Master Sgt. Brian Hundstrum from the
209th Special Operations Civil Engineer Squadron provided insight on
what he and his unit expected to learn from CBOA 21.
expectations here are to see new technology and determine how we can
integrate with our tactics, techniques and procedures so that we can
be better warfighters and partners within the Total Joint Force,”
said Hundstrum.
Naval researcher Matt O’Neal’s submission to
this year’s CBOA was the Senses CBR Agents Pre-Engagement and Goes
Over All Terrain (SCAPEGOAT), a chemical, biological, or
radiological sensor. O’Neal expressed eagerness to highlight
SCAPEGOAT’s capabilities; however, was more excited about the direct
warfighter engagement.
“It's the positive impact of
networking…we've gotten very useful feedback from the warfighters on
actually using the SCAPEGOAT,” said O’Neal. “On that note, I was
most excited about other warfighters seeing our product and
expressing interest in its capabilities. We have had some productive
sidebars with some of the Marines and are planning more
collaboration after the event. While our tech is still in the early
stages, seeing interest in its development is encouraging to the
team. We owe that to having the opportunity from being here!”
Sergeant Samuel Mingo from 8th Army, Fort Campbell Kn., said
that his expectations were met and in most cases exceeded with the
scenarios at CBOA 21. He explained that his team was able to test
out the most up-to-date reconnaissance and decontamination
technology and then give instantaneous feedback to CBOA integrators
and vendors.
“We are providing key feedback to developers so
that when the products are ready for combat, we are assured we are
getting the best equipment,” said Mingo. “Our voices are being
Based on after-action feedback from participants,
CBOA 21 met, and in most cases exceeded expectations in achieving
exercise objectives. For some of the technology developers, this was
their first experience with engaging directly with warfighters. With
future CBOA iterations, DTRA will continue to look across the
technology horizon for the latest opportunities to defend against
emerging threats.
“CBOA strengthens our ability to develop
and deliver rapid capabilities for the Joint Force warfighter,”
stated Hann.
DTRA enables Department of
Defense, the U.S. Government, and International Partners to counter
and deter Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and Emerging Threats.
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