Road Map To Modernizing Soldier Lethality by U.S. Army Maj. Gen. John A. George
May 26, 2020
Today’s Soldiers require advanced capabilities to be effective on
future battlefields. Advances in technology have produced better
weapon optics, imaging devices and body armor, as well as, many
other types of specialized protective and offensive gear. Body armor
that could protect Soldiers against rifle fire, for example, was not
available during World War II, the Korean War or Operation Desert
Today’s Soldiers have body armor that includes front, rear and
side ballistic plates to protect them against small-arms fire, as
well as flexible groin and collar panels that provide protection
against shrapnel and debris. While the body armor provides an added
lifesaving layer of protection for Soldiers, it weighs 30 pounds.
On average, a Soldier carries at least 60 pounds of gear, but
that weight often doubles depending on the length of the mission and
the Soldier’s job. A 72-hour mission in Afghanistan, for example,
requires an Airborne Soldier to carry seven types of batteries that
collectively weigh 16 pounds to power optics, flashlights, night
vision devices, GPS and a radio. In addition to the base uniform, a
Soldier wears protective gloves, boots and glasses, as well as body
armor and a helmet.

U.S. Army Reserve Sgt. Joshua Smith and Spc. Collin George continue their ruck
with each carrying 70 pounds worth of gear through the wilderness that surrounds Fort McCoy, Wisconsin
on August. 14, 2019. (U.S. Army Reserve photo by Spc. Tucker White)
Reducing the amount of weight Soldiers wear and carry, while also
keeping them safe, is critical to the Army. As part of the future
force modernization enterprise, the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities
Development Command (CCDC) supports this mission, which is key to
the Soldier lethality modernization priority as well as other
efforts to ensure that Soldiers can survive and operate in any
environment. While the CCDC Soldier Center leads the Soldier
lethality modernization effort for the command, other CCDC centers,
including Aviation and Missile; Data and Analysis; Armaments; and
Command, Control, Computers, Communications, Cyber, Intelligence,
Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C5ISR), round out the team.
CCDC relies heavily on academia, industry and international partners
to develop and demonstrate new technologies that will increase
protection, lethality, agility and mission flexibility. The command
works closely with small businesses by communicating its strategic
direction in support of the Soldier lethality modernization priority
and investing in emerging commercial technologies. CCDC also works
closely with the cross-functional teams on research and innovation
projects that support the Army’s modernization priorities. These
collaborations drive innovation and strengthen the Soldiers’
performance, increasing readiness to meet the Army’s critical
thresholds ... a force capable of multidomain operations by 2028 and
CCDC is developing technologies that support Soldier
lethality, including a host of capabilities that enable a Soldier to
shoot, move, communicate, protect, sustain and train. In treating
the Soldier as a weapon system, each technology must work with the
others to enable the Soldier to perform tasks and reach a
destination faster and with greater lethality and efficiency. To
avoid the historical norm of adding each new piece of equipment to
the Soldier’s gear and increasing weight, we are leveraging
multifunctional materials and capability integration in our
portfolio planning.
Food is the
“fuel” of the Soldier weapon system. Just as reducing the weight of
a vehicle can increase its fuel economy, we are increasing the
nutritional density of the food Soldiers eat, and that high-octane
fuel will increase the Soldiers’ lethality. The CCDC Soldier Center
Combat Feeding Directorate is developing the Close Combat Assault
Ration, a lightweight ration that’s energy- and nutrient-dense and
designed to sustain small units in remote sites up to seven days
without resupply. The logistical footprint of the Close Combat
Assault Ration is compatible with the service’s autonomous aerial
and ground delivery of food and supplies for expeditionary
The Soldier Center uses emerging food processing
technologies, including vacuum microwave drying and ultrasonic
agglomeration, to reduce the weight and volume of military rations.
Vacuum microwave drying uniformly removes water with both vacuum and
microwave techniques, and can result in physically compressed food
that remains moist. Ultrasonic agglomeration uses vibration to
instantly compress food without fillers or binders, reducing the
meal by 30 to 50 percent of its original size with the same
ingredients and nutrition. The Soldier Center targets a reduction in
weight for a seven-day supply of food from 18 to 12 pounds. It plans
to deliver final specifications for the Close Combat Assault Ration
by 2022.
As part of the combat rations development process,
our researchers worked with Soldiers and Marines in the 10th Special
Forces Group, Fort Carson, Colorado; 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion,
2nd Marine Division, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina; and the 3rd
Squadron, 71st Cavalry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum,
New York, to gather feedback to refine technical and operational
information, evaluate prototypes and determine trade-off analysis.
We rely heavily on input from Soldier touch points, training
and testing events where Soldiers test technology and provide
feedback. One touch point that we use on a continuous basis is the
Human Research Volunteer Program, located at the CCDC Soldier Center
in Natick, Massachusetts. The Soldier Center recruits 30 to 40
Soldiers for approximately 120 days to serve as a baseline model for
human research and provide user feedback on tests, studies and
A cadre of experienced Soldiers, including a
company commander, first sergeant and several noncommissioned
officers in the infantry military occupational specialty, are part
of the program. These Soldiers provide valuable insight and serve as
in-house tactical experts for science and technology research at the
Soldier Center. The program recently completed several rounds of
data collection with Soldiers that will be used to transition the
next generation of combat boots.
As the Army modernizes the current force and
prepares for multidomain operations, the quantity and capabilities
of Soldier-worn technologies are expected to increase significantly,
and Soldiers will need more power and energy sources to operate
them. CCDC’s Soldier Center and the C5ISR Center are increasing
Soldier lethality and survivability by researching and developing
batteries that are lighter and have more power and extended
Researchers at the C5ISR Center are exploring
improvements in silicon-anode technologies to support lightweight
batteries, including the Conformal Wearable Battery, a thin,
flexible, lightweight battery that can be worn on a Soldier’s vest
to power electronics. Silicon-anode technologies can double the
performance and duration of currently fielded batteries for
dismounted Soldiers. Early prototypes of the updated silicon-anode
battery delivered the same amount of energy with a 29 percent
reduction in volume and weight.
Our researchers are
integrating the silicon-anode battery with the Army’s Integrated
Visual Augmentation System (IVAS), a high-priority battlefield
heads-up display that uses augmented reality to help Soldiers train.
The C5ISR Center plans to use 200 silicon-anode battery prototypes
during an IVAS Soldier touch point exercise in July 2020, which will
be the first operational demonstration to showcase the battery.
The C5ISR Center is developing a centralized power source for
small-arms weapons for the Army’s Next Generation Squad Weapon
program. The new weapon will have increased capabilities and as a
result will require more power than the current baseline system. A
power and data rail will enable Soldiers to power any weapon-mounted
device, similar to a cellphone charging pad. Electricity will run
along the rail and enable power to go to standardized contacts,
eliminating the need for Soldiers to manage or carry multiple power
sources. Currently, separate batteries are required for each device,
including scopes, range finders and thermal sights; with a power and
data rail, Soldiers will not have to manage battery swaps since one
battery will provide the necessary power for any device.
 May 2, 2020 - The Next Generation Squad Weapon Science and Technology prototype consolidates both ammunition and weapons, as well as a power and data rail for integration of next-generation fire-control systems. The overall system was designed to show what was in the realm of possible to replace the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon and is much lighter and more lethal. (U.S. Army photo by Daniel Cler, CCDC Armaments Center)
The CCDC Armaments Center is the
center for lethality in munitions, systems to deliver the munitions
and fire control. The center’s main projects are aimed at increasing
Soldier lethality by reducing load and decision-making while
increasing capability in a multidomain environment. Together, these
projects prove what is within the realm of possible in science and
technology for Soldier overmatch on the battlefield.
The Next
Generation Squad Weapon project consolidates ammunition and weapons
as well as a power and data rail for integration of next-generation
fire control systems. The overall system, which was designed to show
advanced technologies and serve as a replacement for the M249 Squad
Automatic Weapon, provides a lightweight cased and telescoped
cartridge with greater lethality than the current, fielded squad
automatic weapons and at a much lighter weight than the M249 Squad
Automatic Weapon. The 6.8 mm bullet, designed in-house, provides
greater lethality and range than the Army’s current 5.56 mm bullets.
This technology was transitioned to the Project Manager (PM) for
Soldier Lethality (formerly the Project Manager for Soldier Weapons)
within the Program Executive Office for Soldier in fiscal year 2019.
The Armaments Center will continue to design follow-on
bullet types in direct support of Soldier operations in its Next
Generation Family of Ammunition project, which has multiple
technology transitions through fiscal year 2023.
The Squad
Combat Optic Performance Enhancement science and technology project
is the Armaments Center’s solution for a next-generation primary
optic and fire control, similar in capability to a targeting system
on a combat vehicle but at a fraction of the size. The system
consists of a direct-view optic with an augmented reality overlay, a
steerable laser range finder, a daylight and thermal digital weapons
camera, and a controller designed to reduce aim error and increase
probability of hit. The Armaments Center will use data collected
from various Soldier touch points to influence follow-on designs
with industry. This technology is slated to transfer to PM Soldier
Lethality in mid-fiscal year 2020.
The Soldier Center’s Protection and
Survivability Directorate is developing directed energy protective
ensembles, head-borne integration platforms and concealment.
Together, these will enable Soldiers to operate and dominate in any
climate or location by remaining undetected from enemy eyes and
sensors, and provide protection from battlefield threats if engaged.
Directed energy, which is microwave energy, is an emerging
battlefield threat that may be used for anti-access and area denial.
Head-borne integration will bring together the protection, sensors
and information displays that Soldiers need for multidomain
operations into a helmet-based system that will reduce weight and
complexity while enabling enhanced lethality.
At the
dismounted squad level, CCDC Soldier Center is looking at robotics
and autonomous systems to increase situational awareness during
combat operations. Small unmanned aerial systems, such as the
Soldier Borne Sensor or Short Range Reconnaissance platforms, will
provide dismounted squads and platoons remote reconnaissance for
improved standoff protection and improved situational understanding
of the environment.
Early synthetic
prototyping uses virtual modeling and simulation to test best ideas
and concepts from Soldiers and industry for rapid capability
development and force modernization. Early synthetic prototyping
uses a government-owned software platform: a virtual sandbox
developed by the Systems Simulation, Software and Integration
Directorate’s Army Game Studio, within CCDC’s Aviation and Missile
Center, that leverages modular commercial game technology;
Army-owned assets, such as 3D models, sounds and sound effects; and
other features to create and test concepts in a virtual operational
environment and thereby produce data-driven capability requirements.
Early synthetic prototyping experiments allow Soldiers to
virtually conduct mission rehearsals using future equipment,
doctrine and force structure in a simulated future operational
environment against a future enemy. During a squad (up to future
company) exercise, Soldiers control simulated systems and use the
same operational decision-making they would use on tactical
equipment and combat platforms, including mobility, fires, sensors,
communications, obscurants and electronic warfare.
 A Soldier navigates through the augmented reality lab at the Center for Applied Brain and Cognitive Sciences, a cooperative research initiative between Tufts University School of Engineering and CCDC’s Soldier Center
on October 5, 2016. The center conducts applied research on measuring, predicting and enhancing cognitive capabilities and human system interactions for individuals and teams working in high-stakes environments.(U.S. Army photo by David
Kamm, CCDC Soldier Center)
The Ground
Vehicle Soldier Center Design Studio held a four-day virtual
experiment demonstration using early synthetic prototyping in
September. Thirty Soldiers from 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team,
4th Infantry Division participated in the demonstration and provided
feedback on the Robotic Combat Vehicle’s crew configuration,
formations, vehicle capabilities, enabling technologies and
networked capabilities. During testing, Soldiers used the Robotic
Combat Vehicle as a mobile shield in urban terrain and noted that
they preferred the higher level of protection from the heavier
robotic combat vehicle over the maneuverability of its lighter
counterpart. These types of events will continue throughout fiscal
year 2020, with each virtual experiment increasing in capability and
The Measuring and Advancing Soldier Tactical
Readiness and Effectiveness program, which is led by the Soldier
Center, will enable the Army to objectively and holistically measure
Soldier and squad performance. The program, a collaborative effort
with experts in human science research, sensor development, and data
acquisition and analysis, will monitor, predict and enhance
performance in close combat.
As the Army’s largest in-house analytical
capability, the CCDC Data and Analysis Center supports the Soldier
lethality modernization priority by providing lethality analysis,
modeling and simulation, cyber and electronic warfare, and
vulnerability and weapon prototype testing for the Next Generation
Squad Weapon. The Data and Analysis Center also performs electronic
warfare and electronic-optical, electronic-infrared vulnerability
analysis and assessment for IVAS and the Enhanced Night Vision
Cybersecurity analysts at the Data and
Analysis Center work alongside Microsoft experts to set up a
development environment suitable for the robust operations of IVAS,
which is planned for fielding in fiscal year 2021. CCDC also
provides modeling and simulation tools to predict and assess
degradation of Soldier performance because of battlefield injuries.
The Data and Analysis Center is also working on the Soldier and
squad trade space analysis framework (SSTAF), an architecture for
evaluating the positive and negative effects of Soldier equipment on
individual Soldier performance. The framework, which treats the
Soldier as a unified system, will integrate several human
performance models and simulations into one system. This will allow
the Army to gather the necessary data to perform trade analysis for
Soldier equipment and help inform Army leadership on acquisition
decisions. A trade analysis compares different options, such as
cost, effectiveness, weight, power, lethality and survivability, and
then uses the information to make recommendations to senior leaders
so they can make informed decisions. The first SSTAF prototype was
completed at the end of fiscal year 2019, with additional
capabilities to be added in 2020. It will provide timely, affordable
trade analysis at the squad level for Army leaders who make
investment decisions.
CCDC works with academia, industry and international partners to
improve Soldier lethality modernization efforts. The Soldier Center
partners with the University of Massachusetts Lowell, Tufts
University, the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Worcester
Polytechnic Institute on various projects. We steer research to
relevant military technologies through our membership with the
Center for Advanced Research in Drying, which includes academic and
industry partners.
We also participate in and lead
communities of practice with partners in Army science and
technology, industry and academia. Since 2010, CCDC Soldier Center’s
Soldier Protection and Survivability Directorate has used the
community of practice model successfully for individual ballistic
and blast protection projects. The teams meet regularly to set
research goals and monitor progress. The directorate recently added
two communities of practice—one for Soldier camouflage and
concealment and one for Soldier hydration and protection from
environmental conditions.
We also work closely with small
businesses by investing in emerging technologies and reaching out to
military industrial bases to ensure that the technologies can be
produced to supply military rations. Typically, more than 20 percent
of the Army’s contracting budget is awarded to small businesses.
Keeping Soldiers safe without increasing the weight they wear or
carry is an ongoing challenge for the Army. CCDC works closely with
academia, industry and international partners to discover and
develop the best technology to support this mission. Using
information gathered from continuous experimentation and Soldier
touch points, CCDC refines technology and focuses on research and
engineering projects that will make Soldiers more lethal and
increase combat readiness.
MAJ. GEN. JOHN A. GEORGE is the commanding
general of Combat Capabilities Development Command. He most recently served as the deputy director and
chief of staff of the U.S. Army Futures Command Futures and Concepts
Center. He graduated from the United States Military Academy at West
Point, and was commissioned into the Army in 1988. He has an M.S. in
social psychology from Pennsylvania State University and an M.S. in
national resource strategy from the Industrial College of the Armed
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