Groundbreaking Soldier Returns To Fort Lee As Drill Sergeant by U.S. Army Terrance Bell, Fort Lee Public Affairs
June 5, 2022
If then-Pfc. Angelika Jansen was unclear or
naïve about the challenges she faced in becoming one of the first
female Army field artillery mechanics, it was made clear by a
coworker not long after arriving at her first duty station.
 May 5, 2022 - U.S.
Army Staff Sgt. Angelika Jansen with Charlie Company, 16th Ordnance Battalion, was one of the first female troops to graduate from the 91P Field Artillery Mechanic Course taught at the Ordnance School. That was 2013. Jansen returned to Fort Lee as a drill sergeant more than a year ago to
... “train my replacements”. (U.S. Army photo by Terrance Bell, Fort Lee Public Affairs)
“You know Jansen,” the male Soldier barked,
“you shouldn’t be a mechanic; you should be in the kitchen making
(expletive) cupcakes.”
The declarative shot heard around
Jansen’s world occurred at Fort Bliss, Texas, in 2013. Earlier that
year, she along with Pfc. Jessica Jones had undergone training at
the Fort Lee Ordnance School’s 15-week 91P Artillery Mechanic
Course. It was part of a new push to integrate the Army’s combat
arms and combat arms-related occupational specialties. Jones
downplayed the accomplishment while Jansen was evocatively
“This is a step forward
for women,” she said in an article published July 11, 2013. “I find
it pretty awesome, but at the same time, I’m ready to move past the
honeymoon stage and get into my work; to get the show rolling.”
Nearly a decade later, the “show is still rolling” for Jansen.
She returned to Fort Lee as a drill sergeant just over a year ago,
with an assignment to Charlie Company, 16th Ordnance Battalion,
where she is helping to shape the next generation of Soldiers.
“This is where I need to be,” said the 32-year old staff
sergeant, indicating her level of conviction about the
Clearly confident and visibility bubbling
over with pride, the Jansen of today exemplifies the Army’s progress
in steadily putting the turbulent times of gender inequality in the
past. The cupcake insult at Fort Bliss exemplified how males of the
time took issue with her presence as a female Soldier. Jansen
represented change in the form of a forcible shift in male-dominated
culture cultivated over decades. She was center stage on the first
stop of the integration roadshow.
Was Jansen too green to
comprehend the role she played was bigger than she was?
and no,” offered the Garland, Texas, native and daughter of an Army
veteran. “Yes, we pretty much set the standard, saying, ‘We can do
this, too,’ but at the same time, no, because I didn’t know how much
– not necessarily backlash, but – resistance we would face and how
much more we had to contribute to our section at the time."
Jansen and Jones were assigned to the same section of the same Fort
Bliss unit following their Ordnance School graduation. For her part,
Jansen was eager to prove her worth. She went about her duties with
a sense of self-assuredness: an upward-tilted chin; an inflated
chest; and the pride and passion of someone who expected serious
consideration as a Soldier, not simply one of the female persuasion.
That caught the attention of one retired Master Sgt. David Jensen, a
field service representative contractor in her brigade.
“First of all, she listened,” said Jensen, a former field artillery
mechanic among several other occupations, “and she was eager. She
wanted to learn everything. She has a real serious ability to retain
Jansen, by her own account, was a no-nonsense
hard-charger who wanted to be treated according to what she brought
to the table. She conveyed that message and stood firm on her
expectations after arriving at her unit.
“It was like, ‘I
came here to do a job; let me do my job,’” she said. “‘Do not stick
me in a training room. Do not stick me in a shop office. Look, you
see me coming in and getting down and dirty in freaking coveralls
and steel toe boots.’”
With a voracious appetite for
learning, Jansen quickly became one of the top mechanics in the
battalion. In her view, she was the “one others looked to for
knowledge, training (and) troubleshooting … overall maintenance,
really.” Her skillset had become such that she developed a sense of
trust from “the commander all the way down to the squad leader and
maintenance control sergeant.”
Although the accolades and
respect preceded her, Jansen held on to humility. She became
hungrier to improve, wanting to know more about the equipment, about
other field artillery pieces, about related military occupational
specialties. In those respects, Jensen was a godsend.
“I call
him ‘Cousin’ Jensen (the two are not related),” said Jansen of her
mentor. “He took me under his wing and was like, ‘You look like you
have something to say. Well, come here; let me teach you the ropes.
Let me show you. ….’ He pretty much taught me everything about the
Paladin that was not taught in AIT.”
The Paladin M109 is the
principal field artillery weapon for Army divisions. It is a
self-propelled armament system featuring a 155mm howitzer cannon.
Jensen’s expertise allowed Jansen to flourish not only as a
mechanic but as a resource. “Because I had him behind me, it kind of
made people listen to me more,” she said. Her elevated and exclusive
status allowed her a measure of comfort and respect as a female
Soldier in a world of males.
“I kind of started believing
that I was one of the boys … that I was a mechanic in the true sense
of the word,” she said. “It got to the point where it was … ‘protect
her at all costs. Do not let anything bad happen to her.’”
The progression to “becoming one of the boys,” however, still could
not shield her from predators stubbornly subscribed to the notion
women are not worthy of protection, nor being treated as equals. One
individual demonstrated his objection with violence. It happened at
the end of the duty day going into a three-day weekend. It was
during her first year at Fort Bliss.
“It was … just after
work hours,” she recalled. “Um, you know, I’m a private first class
paying attention to my platoon sergeant. I was about to go out with
my friends for Halloween, and I get a text message from (him). He’s
like, ‘Hey, I need for you to come back and sign some paperwork.’”
Jansen thought nothing of his request. There were always troops
loitering around after work. It made her ignore the fact not many
cars were sitting in the parking lot. She also ignored how he seemed
more interested in chatting than getting her to sign documents.
Further, when she went into the female latrine to retrieve her
coveralls for laundering – something she intended to do after he
asked her to return – he held the door open and continued to chat.
With coveralls finally in hand, Jansen thanked him and preceded
to the door. The platoon sergeant pulled her back in, she recalled,
and started “forcing himself” upon her. She resisted, but her
superior was relentless and carried out the sexual assault. The
experience, she remembered, was so brazen it seemed surreal.
In the aftermath, Jansen said she was “dazed and in shock” but her
thoughts immediately turned to what he might do next and what she
could do to protect herself.
“The first thing in my brain
was, ‘I need my battle buddy and I need my squad leader,’ who
happened to be on CQ that night,” she said. “I said, ‘I need to talk
to both of you about something that happened. It’s important.’”
Jansen disclosed what happened to her fellow Soldiers. They
inquired whether she wanted to report the alleged offense.
“‘Not really at this time,’” she said, “because of the fact there
were no witnesses; who was going to believe me?”
From that
point on, Jansen’s battle buddies ensured she was never alone with
the platoon sergeant. As for reporting the matter, Jansen remained
reluctant knowing it would require retelling and essentially
reliving the trauma over and again
The young Soldier relented
four months later when the same noncommissioned officer was accused
of sexually assaulting another Soldier, this time during a barracks
room inspection. Learning about that event, Jansen exclaimed,
“‘Alright, this stops now.’
“I was not really frustrated but
straight up angry,” she emphasized.
Angry enough to put aside
her own trauma for greater goods. Not only did she report the
incident to authorities leading to the Soldier’s punishment, but
Jansen became her own crusade, turning victimhood to advocacy for
the Army’s Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention
“It was a test of personal courage – a test of
integrity and a test of putting my reputation on the line,” she
said. “It wasn’t about me or being (a pioneering) mechanic anymore.
This was spreading awareness of sexual harassment and assault. … It
wasn’t about me anymore, it was about ‘What can I do to help
A deeply religious Christian, Jansen said her
efforts were the result of much inquiry and prayer following her
assault. It pushed her to speak at SHARP training sessions at every
battalion within two brigades, promoting a simple message.
“If you have been a victim … come forward. There will not be any
backlash. Yes, it will be painful to retell the truth, but the truth
is going to set you free.”
Because of her testimony, other
Soldiers came forward leading to 63 additional cases, according to
Jansen. Retired Master Sgt. Jensen observed from his perch as a
contractor, witnessing Jansen fight through her struggles to battle
for others.
“It takes a hell of a lot of moral character to
do what she did,” he said.
Jansen insists her moves were not
her own, but those ordered by a much greater force.
“It was
the Holy Spirit saying, ‘You have a job; you have a purpose; you’re
not done; this is only a phase; this is only a situation; this is a
true test of where your faith lies,’” she said. “He told me ‘Go and
see what happens.’”
Jansen is still in “go” mode while
simultaneously still healing. She is up against 14-hour days of
pushing troops as a drill sergeant, taking on roles as trainer,
disciplinarian, driver, counselor, mentor and in-house parent.
Furthermore, Janzen is the mother of a special needs child
currently not in her custody. Add that to Jansen’s past trauma and
life can sometimes be overwhelming, she said.
“Every day
it’s like, ‘Breathe, you’re OK,’” said Jansen. “‘This does not
define you. This does not hinder you. This is only a step in your
A journey strengthened by her responsibility of
molding some of the Army’s newest Soldiers. She uses her experience
and experiences – including the sexual assault – to support them
through this phase of their indoctrination.
“I have the
ability to train Soldiers, and I have the ability to do it
effectively,” she said. “That is my ultimate goal and passion – to
train my replacements.”
That is a strong statement coming
from a parent, groundbreaking Soldier, drill sergeant, sexual
assault advocate and not least, a God-fearing Christian who is
neither unclear or naïve about her mission and purpose moving
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