91-Year-Old Restoration Volunteer Preserves Air Force Heritage
by U.S. Air Force Darrius Parker November 29, 2019
Aircraft are some of the most complex pieces of machinery. From
concept, to fabrication, testing and maintenance, and eventual
retirement, the behind the scenes work and effort required to
maintain even the smallest parts of an aircraft are often not
thought of by many.
But for the restoration workers and
volunteers at the National Museum of the United States Air Force,
the smallest of details are often the most crucial as they perform
their duties.
John Rumpf is a restoration volunteer at the
museum, and he understands exactly what it takes to keep aircraft
“museum ready”.

August 13 2019 - John Rumpf (91) works to restore pieces of
aircraft to be exhibited for the National Museum of the
United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. (U.S. Air Force photo by Darrius Parker)
“I never knew how an aircraft was built.
From this job, I figured out how they were assembled by each piece,”
he said.
Rumpf was born and raised in Austria. He grew up
wanting to be a locomotive engineer.
However, just as Rumpf
was of age to pursue his dreams, World War II ended. Careers such as
a locomotive engineer ceased to exist.
And because of this,
he had to change his career path.
“In the middle of March
1945, I went home to my parents out in the country of Vienna. I
didn’t return to Vienna until the government was established and
they put up a notice saying that everybody had to be trained in an
apprenticeship for at least one year. I went back to Vienna but it
was not easy. There was no transportation and the distance was 100
miles,” he said.
During this time, Austria was divided into
occupation zones between the British, Soviets, French and Americans.
“The place where I crossed over into Vienna was very close to
the border separating the occupation zone between the English and
Russians. At the time I didn’t have any papers, so if I was caught
by either side, I would have been put into a camp,” he said.
Though Rumpf lived in a harsh environment, he committed to
becoming a toolmaker. He honed his skills, working with different
manufacturers and eventually retired at the age of 68. However,
instead of relaxation, an opportunity to put his skills to use for
the Air Force arrived in 1998.
“I was only 68 years old when I
retired as a toolmaker (in Austria). I didn’t want to let go of my
job because I liked it. The museum was in need of a toolmaker, so I
decided to try it out,” Rumpf said. “I remember I got to America on
a Tuesday. That Thursday is when I started my job for restorations.
I didn’t ask what the benefits were or how much I was getting paid.
I just wanted to work.”
Rumpf is now almost 91, and he
continues to find joy in his job and the people of Air Force
Materiel Command. Whether leveraging his keen understanding of
trigonometry, to calculating certain equations to form different
parts of aircraft, to maintaining his skills as a toolmaker, both
physically and mentally, Rumpf comes to work each day ready to
accomplish the next task.
“I enjoy it because it is a
challenge. There is nothing I cannot do or make. It may be
challenging, but I never have any problems fixing any part of the
aircraft,” he said.
Rumpf has restored everything from the
biggest to the smallest parts of planes at the NMUSAF. He has fixed
everything from tires all the way up to a demolished piece of a Beau
fighter that took him close to a year to finish.
 Top - Aerial view of the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force. The museum collects, researches, conserves, interprets and presents the Air Force's history, heritage and traditions, as well as today's mission to fly, fight and win...in Air, Space and Cyberspace to a global audience through engaging exhibits, educational outreach, special programs, and the stewardship of the national historic collection. Bottom - An overhead gallery view of the fourth building aircraft at the National Museum of the United States Air Force. The fourth building includes more than 70 aircraft in four galleries ... Presidential, Research
& Development, Space and Global Reach. (Image created by USA Patriotism! from U.S. Air Force photos taken in 2016 by Ken LaRock)
“For my
first big project, I was assigned to make about 60 parts for
aircraft tires. Once I finished that, more orders started to come in
to complete another 60 parts and then another 60 parts. These parts
all went to the museum. I enjoy the people around here, and I enjoy
what I do,” he said.
Rumpf is hardworking and motivated, and
he exemplifies the kind of Airmen that support the mission at AFMC.
Whether one’s duty is restoring aircraft at the NMUSAF or making a
decision from the head of the table as the commander, each AFMC
Airman’s mission plays a key role in the success of the command.
Rumpf may not wear a uniform, and he is not in command, but his
Airman role is to restore and maintain the heritage of aircraft and
weaponry that the Air Force has used in the past to serve as a
reference points as the service builds for the future.
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